Chapter 3: Prey

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A/N: I recommend you listen to the song while reading.. It really sets the mood and explains how Clarke is feeling.

You never truly feel like you're being hunted.. Till your backs against the wall and the decision you made, the one you thought was a great idea, fucks you over and turns you into bait.I shoved my headphones in my ears and walked briskly through union square.As long as you notice, I'm hoping that you'll keep you're heart open. I'll keep mine open too. The wind threw my tears behind me and secretly appreciated it. People did a double take as I started to sprint past them. But I was too fast to even react. My feet had a mind of their own. I just needed to feel better. Someone had to make me feel better.

If you don't ask, I won't tell. Just know that, just know that it all hurts, it's all hurts the same

My hands didn't leave my face as I kept roughly wiping my tears. The wind no longer doing its job. I looked around for that familiar building. My eyes so clouded I almost missed it. 

Something is wrong, I can't explain. Everything changed when the birds came. You'll never Know what they might do. If they catch you too early.

I completely disregarded the elevator. Even though my lungs were already burning I submitted myself to the pain of the stairs. 12 flights. I had to think of what I was gonna say. 

We need to fly ourselves before someone else, tells us how. Something is off, I feel like prey, I feel like praying. 

My hands roughly pounded on the oh so familiar door. My shoulders relaxed after I heard the door unlock and I stuffed my headphones in my pocket. I didn't bother wiping the tears from my face. As soon as the door opened I pushed my way through. " I know I haven't been around and you haven't seen me for 6 months. But I did something bad. I did something really bad and I don't know how to fix it. I don't even know if I can. Maybe I'm too late. I don't know but I need you. I need my best friend-" I was stopped by hands moving the hair away from my face and wiping my tears. "Clarke.. Shh, Clarke LOOK AT ME" I didn't realize I was still talking.. I tried to stop it but my mouth just kept moving. "I can't do this, this is too much. I can't. I can't" I shook her hands off my face but they just moved to my waist. I found myself sliding down into the ground and she moved with me. She held me as I sobbed. Minutes turned into what could have been an hour. She caressed my face and ran her fingers through my hair. There were no more tears left. Just mascara stained cheeks and shaky hands."Your hands are bleeding you know" Octavia said breaking the silence.I looked down and the numb feeling you get after crying went away and my hand started to ache. "Sit tight " she said as she got up. I watched her as she collected little things from around her apartment. A mug of hot water, what seemed to be alcohol, tweezers, a rag and a first aid kit. She sat back down in her same spot and held her hand out for me to give her mine.My hand shook as I softly put it in hers. She smiled warily at me. "Wanna tell me what happened" she said as the hot rag wiped away the blood from my cold skin. "Nobody spoke about today's date. No one said anything. When I was walking out of Danny's office. A group of about 15 paparazzi's had me surrounded. And I was getting through it just fine. Till one of them asked me if I still felt guilty, and the other just played it off as if it's been forever. I couldn't hold it in. Not with today's date. Not with how they laughed" I said. A tear betraying my stoic facade.She used the tweezers to get the shards of glass out of my hand. I felt the pain but didn't flinch. Something I found myself doing often. When she finished. She helped me undress. I numbly followed her orders to lift my arms and shimmy out of my jeans. She tucked me in, even though it was 6:09 pm. And laid next to me till I fell asleep.

My fingers typed angrily as I sipped some tea with other hand. They moved my fucking deadline for the pilot. Again. I added some snarky remarks to the text and a couple flashbacks. Threw in some violence and some romantic sparks. My hand found my forehead as I realized just how long I've been writing this stupid fucking script. My phone rang at my side and I barely, Just barely heard it."Woods. Fuck do you want I'm writing" I said into the phone. Rude I know. But the only people that have my personal phone number are my manager, my personal assistant, my brother my sister and my dogs vet. And the vets my best friend so.. Not really much of a gamble."Hey dumbass" manager it is!
"I was wondering if you've got anyone in mind for the role of Eliza and Robert."
I huffed, this show is already starting to be a bigger pain in the ass than the others. "Uhh Eliza no .. Robert yes. Get me Bellamy Blake. "He was a great actor. He played the brother in 'Whispers between the Masses" he'll be a great good guy turned villain. "And for Alycia.." This was hard.. Alycia was my brain child. She was special. This was going to be what everyone anticipated. "Get me Octavia Blake.. I owe her brother a favor anyways" I said remembering how he covered for me the day of Costia's death anniversary 5 years ago. "You sure.. She is gonna be the lesbian love interest. " I rolled my eyes.. that girl screamed bi at least ."She's hot.. She'll make it work" I said putting my phone between my cheek and my shoulder, Still typing away. "How about Clarke griffin for Eliza. She's a good friend of the Blakes.. And I heard she's looking to take a break from action roles." Titus said.. His voice sounding like he put thought into this already.
"That's exactly why she can't be Eliza. An action star, in a drama. No thanks." I said hitting send without even checking it over. I knew it was good. Plus pilots are never good. So it wouldn't matter anyways. "Just think about it. Please" Titus never said please.. "Uh" I said uncomfortable. I shifted in my seat. Thankful he couldn't see this action. "I'll think about it. No promises!" I rushed out and hung up before it got any more awkward.

I woke up to my phone ringing violently beside me. 34 missed calls. Fuck.
"Hello." I said in a groggy voice. The light of the phone hurting my eyes. "I don't even know what to say to you. After all the good things I do for you. I got you an audition in the woods project. It's not solid but it's the most I could get for begging. And you PUNCH A PAPARAZZI IN THE FACE. BREAK HIS CAMERA AND KICK ANOTHER ONE.. .. Clarke.. CLARKE!"
My eyes shut and I slowly drifted to only be awoken by my name being shouted again.
"WHAT DANNY? What do you want me to say? They brought up Finn and my dad"
"Oh..."he said.. All traces of anger leaving his voice
"Yea.. Oh. I'm at Octavia's.. I'll talk to you tomorrow" my voice cracking at the end of the sentence.. Octavia cuddling into me, I really didn't want to wake her.
"Wait! I'll fix this okay.. But, you have to go to the audition."he pleaded..
"When is it?" I whispered as Octavia stirred.
"Tomorrow at 5" he said after a long pause.
"I'll be there" I said stifling a groan. I won't get the role anyways. Not after the whole paparazzi thing. I hung up and my hands found Octavia's hair. I really missed the girl. We've been friends since childhood. We starred in a show together when we were 9 . I hadn't met her brother Bellamy till a couple years ago, since he was older and a more successful actor. The girl had been through a lot.. Her and Bellamy's dad left them before she was born. And her mother died not long after we wrapped the show at age 12. That's when we really became close. Octavia stayed with me and my parents. Since Bellamy was trying to build his career to support his sister. He tried to come back but she told him she demanded, he live his dream. I didn't meet Bellamy till we were 17 and Bellamy was 22. Both me and Octavia are 20 now, Bellamy is 25. And all 3 of us are in the acting business.

Octavia got a call at around 12:00 at night. She was fast asleep even as I tried to wake her
so I answered the call for her. "Hello Octavia Blake's phone how may I assist?" I asked politely.
"Yes, hello I was hoping to speak to Ms.Blake is she available" spoke a deep voice on the other line.. I could hear music in the background. "No, I'm sorry she's Not. Can I take a message"
"Yes, that'll do, can you tell Ms.Blake we of 'Woods and Co' have a role for her... We would like for her to come in and read for the role of a love interest for Lexa woods up and coming Netflix series." Clarke's breath caught in her throat.. She was so tempted to shake Octavia awake. But opted against it because the girl needed her rest if she was gonna be any good reading for the role tomorrow. Was this the role Clarke was auditioning for. Was his the role Clarke wanted so badly. It didn't matter. Octavia was first choice and she was simply auditioning. Meaning the girl deserved it either way.
"Yes I will inform her, she will be there tomorrow.. 5 o'clock right?"
"Yes, how did you know" the guy asked slightly taken back. "This is Clarke Griffin"
"Oh hello Clarke, I was just going to inform your management" Clarke's hand stopped running through Octavia's mane. This was it.. She lost the role before she even had it. "We look forward to your audition tomorrow, Ms. Woods is considering you for the main role of Eliza.. And between you and me, the only thing holding you back is that she thinks you lack emotion because you're an action star" the guy whispered into the phone. She was shocked this manager of sorts was helping her in such a way. She suddenly heard screaming in the background.
"TITUS IM HOME. THE SCRIPT IS DONE AND YOU'RE A FUCKING DIPSHIT FOR MAKING ME TAKE A PLANE THIS LATE I HAD TO WALK 3 BLOCKS CAUSE THE TAXI COULDN'T FIND YOUR SHIT HOLE. Oh are you on the phone.. Sorrrryyyy" Clarke laughed.. She genuinely laughed. Octavia stirred once again at the sound and Clarke quickly stopped. "Lexa put your stuff in the closet.. You like it there don't you"she heard the man say .. But it sounded really far away.. Almost as if he tried to cover the phone. So the man was talking to Lexa. LEXA FUCKING WOODS. Clarke felt herself bubbling. The writer of her favorite book. And what is this talk about closets.
"Shut the fuck up tit, who are you talking to anyways" she heard. OMG what if she gets to talk to her.. "Clarke Griffin, so shut up" she heard the voice get closer to the phone. "Well it's late.. And we expect you ready to audition. See you tomorrow Ms. Griffin." He continued then she heard the line click.
Well that was.. Something.

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