Chapter 26: Unsure

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(A/N: we have a new cover!! Honestly special thanks to GreysCommunity for the awesome cover.. It looks amazing)

Lexa was in the surgery room with Raven the whole time, holding her hand. She was there the whole 8 hours. Smoothing the girls hair, telling her unconscious self that it would be alright, that she would be okay.

Clarke went home briefly, to shower and changer her clothes, bring something to eat and a change of clothes for Lexa. But Octavia didn't.. She stayed in the waiting room in case anything went wrong.

The 8 hours went by painfully slow, Clarke brought both hers and Octavia's copy of WBTM to keep them occupied, Clarke went to the bathroom and soon enough Lexa was coming out of the room, in scrubs from head to toe.
"It's done.. They're just waiting for her to wake up" she wiped her forehead, nervous beads of sweat had seeped their way out of her pores.

She plopped down next to Octavia who bombarded her with a shit ton of questions about the procedure.

"How is she? Did she seem fine to you?-I mean- how was the surgery?"

Lexa sighed.. Because she could only answer one of those questions. "Supposedly the surgery went well, we're waiting on her to wake up so we can see if it actually did.. Or if she didn't just fuck it up even more" she put her head in her hands, she was so worried.

"I-I think she'll be okay Lexa, she's strong, she smart. And she has a best friend like you, to be with her along the way" Octavia placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"And she has you" Lexa removed her hands rom her face to raise a brow at the girl.. "I see the way you look at each other. You already fight like a married couple" Lexa tried to make light of the situation, despite her internal stress, that maybe her best friend wouldn't make it out of this scotch free.

"I could say the same for you and Clarke" Octavia pointed to the girl coming back from the bathroom.

"Hey" Lexa greeted her, they hadn't seen each other for a little over 8 hours. Seeing the girl bathed and refreshed.. Made Lexa a little jealous since those are two things she wasn't gonna be any time soon.

"I brought you something to eat" Clarke shuffled through her bag, and placed a sandwich, a bag of chips and a bottle of water on the girls lap.

"Thank you" Lexa smiled up at her savior.. She was starving. "So.. How'd it go" Clarke's eyes told Lexa everything. She was almost as scared as she was.

Raven depended on her legs, not only as her mode of transportation since she refused to do anything but walk to her job at the pet clinic, but because that job she loved so much required the use of her legs.. The way Raven spoke about her job helping animals was the way a proud solider talked about his job protecting America.. Raven definitely wasn't one of those people who could sit in an office for 5 hours.. No she needed to be mobile.

And if she wasn't, Lexa and the girls could only imagine how disappointed and discouraged she would be.

"I have no clue.. We have to wait and see" Lexa gave the girl her answer. And Clarke nodded.

Selfishly thinking about the kiss they shared more than a handful of hours ago, to take her mind off of her recovering friend. Clarke could still feel the girls lips on her own, and due to recent discoveries.. Didn't have to think twice about moving on.. She didn't want to spend another second entertaining the idea of Finn Collins, But Costia, Clarke knew how much Costia meant to Lexa , and didn't know if Lexa was so open to the idea.

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