Chapter 13: Dancy baby, dance.

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(A/n: Episode 310 was absolutely disgusting I'm so done.. But aaaanyways. I wanna write a Shoot fanfic. Not sure about the concept but I was diagnosed with a similar personality disorder to Shaw's so I feel like I'd do her justice..let me know if you'd like that. Also I wrote a really emotional chapter but already but I keep pushing it back cause I feel like I've put Lexa through a lot.. Opinions?. )
Outside POV:
Raven and Octavia had a plan. They would invite the girls out to hang out with them and see how they were around each other. Lexa was still a little fragile. Her first day back on her meds after her small relapse. But Raven had faith she would be back to her old self today. And by old self she means the one she's been living with for the past 4 years not her teenage old self. The whole thing was very complicated.

"Uh.. Sure let me just. Finish up around here and we can go" Lexa nodded. Raven was giving her that look. The one where she looks so excited Lexa just can't say no to her best friend. Plus, she was different around Raven. More carefree and Raven brought out the humor in her so maybe this was a good thing. She owed the girl after such an emotional night.

Lexa excused her self and went to finish her duties. They were more of a formality since she never came to set, but since she was here now she felt she had to pull her weight, approve things when they needed approval, sit in on scenes when the director needed a second opinion. Shut the show-runner down when they had horrendous ideas that ruined her plot. She was basically at the top of the Shows chain.

She dragged her feet as she worked though. She needed to put some distance between herself and the time they had to leave. But soon enough there was nothing else for her to do, Clarke's character was presumed dead for the next 3 episodes so she wasn't needed either, Octavia finished her scene for the day (her character went to meet with Clarke's character who is in hiding). Suddenly there was no excuse for delaying the very eager Raven and they were exiting the set getting in Lexas car.

"So.. What are we even gonna do?" Lexa asked clicking her seatbelt. She was going to suggest going somewhere peaceful so she could try and write.. But was cut off as she saw Raven sitting in the back seat.
"Rae- Raven what are you doing?" She asked confused. Octavia was sat next to her and they glance at each other briefly. Clarke was in the passenger seat next to her where she expected Raven to be. "What? I thought I would change things up" the little bird smiled. Lexa scoffed rolling her eyes, Raven hated change..
An awkward silence fell between her and Clarke and they listened to Raven and Octavia talk animatedly behind them. Occasionally throwing insults at each other as If they'd been friends forever.
Lexa went to turn on the radio, but a CD was in and it played where Lexa last left it.

Hey-yeah I wanna shoop baby

Lexa eyes widened and she went to turn it off but Clarke slapped her hand away and sat up enthusiastically.

"I LOVE THIS SONG" Clarke said and Lexa looked back at Raven who nodded.

"Here I go, here I go, here I go again girls what's my weakness" Raven sang to Octavia her hips rolling suggestively in her seat.
"WOMEN!" Lexa yelled.
"Ok then chilling, chilling. Minding my business. Yo, Lex, I looked around, and I couldn't believe this
I swear, I stared, my niece my witness
The sister had it goin' on with somethin' kinda...uh" Raven laughed changing the words as her and Lexa did years ago.

"Wicked, wicked (oooo) - had to kick it
I'm not shy so I asked for the digits
A ho? No, that don't make me
See what I want slip slide to it swifty
Felt it in my hips so I dipped back to my bag of tricks
Then I flipped for a tip, make me wanna do tricks for her" Clarke sang as she caught on. Lexa looked to her right surprisingly and held her hand up for a high five which Clarke happily returned. Holding her hand for a little longer than she should of.
Raven was so busy rapping to Octavia she missed it.

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