Chapter 8: Why am i so drawn to you? Its cause you're dead inside too.

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A/n this song is basically Lexas thoughts.. It's why she thinks she's so curious about Clarke. It's easier for me to write in Lexa's point of view because I identify with her so much.. Would it be okay if I continued the story in her point of view and occasionally when shit gets real, throw in some Clarke POV.. Please let me know your feedback means a lot. Also please listen to the songs.. Then inspire a lot of the situations that happened in this story.

Outside POV:
Lexa tossed and turned in her sleep. The past couple days she was so stressed with this recent change in her life she didn't realize she had stopped doing something important. Something that helped her survive everyday. She stopped doing what Costia did. And in the end of killed Costia.. So what would it do to her. The young girl still hadn't realize her faults as she woke up and got ready for her day. With the conversation she had with Clarke on her mind the blonde seemed to be wedging her way into Lexa's everyday life. Which was odd because Lexa barely ever thought about anyone but her family. She never knew anyone well enough or cared about anyone enough to stress herself out over someone she didn't consider family.

Lexa was having a really hard time coming to terms with the fact that she cared for he blonde.. She didn't want to accept it. She tried convincing herself it was because she saw herself in Clarke. But we all know that's not why.
Raven saw this an an opportunity. She saw her best friend in the whole world and member of her little man made family finally showing interest in someone other than her or her siblings/uncle/cousin. She saw her Lexa letting herself feel after years of different methods of coping. Little did she know it was because Lexa was doing what Costia had done.

Even Titus noticed Lexa had changed. Yes he wanted to set up Lexa with Clarke, because it the stories he heard were true Clarke was bisexual as fuck and in dire need of some new love. And they were both hurting. But Titus didn't expect to see Lexa stepping out of her comfort zone.. Coming to set, and interacting with the blonde.. He thought it would take time. This wasn't the Lexa he knew. And he wasn't sure how he felt about it.

@ Lexa woods: today's outfit

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@ Lexa woods: today's outfit. Courtesy of
@ daddyreyes because sometimes best friends can't even butt out of your wardrobe.

I walked out of my home feeling both comfortable and very gay. Raven wanted to pick out my outfit after our conversation yesterday about Clarke.I let her, but it wasn't like that. I didn't want anything romantic of friendly with Clarke.. We were co-workers and I wanted to understand her from a professional point of view. But also.. I was curious, I wanted to know if she held the same pain as me, processed it the same way as me. Because at the end of the day when I looked into her eyes all I saw was me. Her beautiful blue eyes held more pain than anyone could bare and I wasn't going to exploit it.. No, but.. Oh I don't know.

Stop making excuses for why you want to understand her.. It's not a bad thing.

Costia's voice rang in my head and I realized I forgot to take my anti-depressants.

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