Chapter 14: Take me to your bestfriends house

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(A/n: Some realization in this chapter.. Lexas realizing she can maybe.. Just maybe trust Clarke. )

"So.. Our house?" Raven swayed.
All 4 girls seemed to agree since the walk to Raven and Lexa's house was only 5 blocks.

Raven and Octavia walked in front of them, arms locked. Clarke and Lexa stayed behind eyeing the way those girls interacted.

"They're weird aren't they" Lexa slurred. Clarke nodded, almost running into something. "I think they like each other" Clarke said hiccuping.

Lexa laughed. "Raven likes everyone" she said, but her eyes squinted as she saw the look in Ravens eyes.
"But maybe she likes Octavia a little more" she added.
Lexa looked at Clarke. "So Ellie.." She started..
Clarke's eyes got dark. "So Ontari.." She clapped back. Lexa nodded understanding.

Clarke caught something in the corner of her eye.. Something she'd never seen before.
"You have tattoos??" She asked incredulously.

Lexa smirked.. Took her long enough. Gripping her jacket in her hands, She was freezing, but it was worth it.

"I usually cover them up" she said shrugging her jacket on. But Clarke's hand stopped her. "Can I see?" She asked. Lexa nodded.

After about 30 seconds of awkward inspection, Clarke spoke. "Why do you cover them up" she asked.. Softly wiping her finger against one.. As if making sure it was real.

"Because I'm a business woman now, no matter how much I love them, discrimination in the work place is still a thing" Lexa said finally putting her jacket on.
"I know but, you're the boss?" She said, swaying slightly. Lexa quickly gripped her arm.
"I know, I just, guess I'm used to it?" She said unsure. "I have a whole lot more" Lexa added.
Clarke's eyes widened. "Please don't cover them up" she pleaded.

Before they knew it they were approaching Lexa and Ravens house.. Raven seemed to be having a really hard time inserting the key so Lexa took over.. Shoving her head through the the crack in the door making sure the house was clean before she opened it further to let them in.

"Woooooww being a teenage success really payed well huh?" She heard Octavia say behind her

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"Woooooww being a teenage success really payed well huh?" She heard Octavia say behind her.. But she didn't care.. All Lexa wanted was a glass of water and her bed.
"Well our couch is not sleep proof and we have no guest room so either you sleep on the floor or you woman up and sleep with one of us" Raven declared and quickly followed with. "I CALL OCTAVIA"

Clarke and Lexa looked at each other thinking the same thing.

"But why can't me and Clarke sleep together on one of your beds and you guys sleep together" Octavia questioned.

Lexa's head snapped towards Octavia. "Would you like for world war 3 to begin?" She asked her dead serious.

Clarke chuckled. "Why? What happens when you guys sleep together"

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