Chapter 16: So this is how it ends.

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(A/N: LISTEN TO THE SONG OMG.. I put it on repeat and that's how this chapter flowed out and omg I'm proud.. So goddamn proud of this chapter and the next)
Lexa didn't need to be told again. She looked at Clarke one more time disappointingly, and nodded.

She slammed the door behind her and went into the living room in search for Ontari.

"Let's get out of here" Lexa breathed. Grabbing Ontari's hand not giving her time to respond she quickly walked towards the exit.. Passed the sweaty bodies, moving towards the elevator.

"Lex! What's going on why are you guys leaving" Octavia chased after her. Lexa turned around to see the girl had sobered up a little.

"I let Clarke in O, I let her in and she shut me out.. I'm done" Lexa answered simply. Octavia looked confused as a tear ran down Lexa's face but realization slapped her harder than ever.

"Do-don't leave.. I'll go talk to her just" Octavia wiped her hand down her face. "Just don't move" she said disappearing back into the house. Lexa took this as an opportunity to escape.

"Soooo.. Wanna tell me what's going on" Ontari said after a couple beats in the elevator.

"Not really" Lexa shrugged. Wiping the tear that still rested on her face.

"That's okay.. Wanna do something? You're upset, I don't think you should be alone..maybe I could Help you forget?" She insisted.

Lexa shrugged once more "as long as there's no alcohol, don't really need any more of that This week" they exited the elevator and ontari's arm wrapped around Lexa's shoulder "alcohol is not needed to have a good time my dear" she smiled.


Octavia looked around the house for Clarke. She was so disappointed in her. She was pissed the girl was throwing away the first good thing to come since the accident.

She saw the connection Clarke and Lexa had and could tell it mirrored what she felt towards Raven in such a short amount of time. She slightly understood Clarke's reaction but she had to side with Lexa. Clarke was being dumb. It wasn't like the girl was proposing marriage. She just wanted to be friends (and see where it took them)
She found her on a very confused Bellamy's lap. Talking up a storm.

Octavia reached them both and gripped the girls forearm. Lifting her up and dragging her to her room.
Clarke's swayed left and right as she walked towards Octavia's dark room. Clarke huffed, struggling to stop the moving floor beneath her.

"Ugh Octavia I was flirting!!" Clarke whined. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

This seemed to only anger Octavia further. "Yea! With my brother"

"HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE?" Clarke yelled shocked.

Octavia rolled her eyes. "Just Bellamy" she said through gritted teeth..

Boy was Clarke gonna get it.

"Oops that was Bellamy.. Haha silly Me" she said dizzily, then planted her ass on Octavia's Bed.

"Clarke what the fuck is wrong with you" she asked amazed the girl could be so stupid.

"So. Many. Things. " Clarke laughed. Missing the fact that Octavia was serious. "Why?" Clarke reached for the bottle at the foot of O's bed where she left it after her conversation with Lexa.

Clarke examined the bottle in a bored-like fashion and went to unscrew the cap, but Octavia snatched it from her hands.

"WHY?!! Why is what I should be asking you! There's a beautiful girl out there who let you into her rather fucking exclusive life. And wants you around and you fucking shun her.. Once again I ask what the fuck.. Is wrong.. With you?" She slowed things down so the dumbass blonde could see she was serious.

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