Chapter 21:Bad habit

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(A/N: I'm gonna edit this story soon.. But anywaysssss.

knowing some shits gonna hit the fan but still reading like... Also me @ Mercedes 2011 tweets)

FlashbackOctavia knocked on Clarke's door

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Octavia knocked on Clarke's door. She had a bottle of tequila and a shoulder to cry on. The funeral had just taken place and Clarke walked out halfway through. Octavia knew her best friend needed her. But really she needed her too. Jake was the only father figure Octavia had. He treated her as if she was the second daughter he begged for. He did the sporty/no -girly things with Octavia. Octavia was his partner in crime. Clarke was his princess. Clarke was the sacred jewel both him and Octavia protected at all cost. And even though Clarke had always been more connected to her mother, she loved her father more than anything in the world, and Octavia loved him almost as much. Octavia needed a shoulder to cry on too. She needed her sister.

She heard music playing softly. The girls go to album, ringing softly throughout the apartment. Octavia knocked for about 3 minutes. She thought maybe it was the music, maybe she couldn't hear over the music. So she called.

Octavia heard the phone directly on the other side of the door, slowly realizing Clarke must've been sitting there the whole time. "Clarke please open the door" Octavia tried. But she heard nothing. She called once more, just to make sure she wasn't talking into the void and that Clarke was actually there. The girl answered the phone.. But said nothing. "Clarkey.. Clarkey please.. Please open up. I know you're hurting but don't shut me out" Octavia insisted. But she heard nothing. Only slight sobs that made their way into the phone.

Scared her best friend wouldn't come back from this, She slid down with her back against the wall, hoping to be close to Clarke. "Clarke please.. I need you too" Octavia spoke again, regretting the decision to give Clarke back to key she had given her to her apartment. Tears streamed down Octavia's face. She was so scared. Clarke had shut her out only one other time.. And it was when Bellamy fell into alcoholism.. Octavia hid it from her.. For 3 years she hid the fact that her brother was suffering and so was she.. And Clarke was so disappointed in her they stopped talking. Octavia forgot for how long, but she knew it felt like forever and it killed her. Living in the same house as her best friend but not talking to her.. It killed her. So yeah. She was scared. She was scared that even if she didn't do anything her best friends sorrow was going to shut her out. And she couldn't handle that right now. Not when one of the only people who's constantly been there for her.. Even when Clarke wasn't, was dead. "Clarke I need you, please ... Don't shut me out " Octavia spoke into the phone but the line clicked signaling the call was ended. "Go away" she heard softly from the other side of the door. This perked her up, she finally got her to speak but the words she was hearing .. She didn't like them. "Clarke I need-" she started but the girl just repeated her previous words louder "Go away Octavia! " Clarke spoke pointedly. Octavia could hear the girl getting up from her spot near the door and seconds later she heard a door inside the apartment slam. Then they didn't speak for 6 months.

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