Chapter 5: Aden

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A/n the song perfectly describes how Lexa has been living since costia. I suggest you play it for extra feels.

     We all sat at the outside table of my building. Bellamy Blake, Octavia blake, and Clarke Griffin. Along with my colleagues. "Good to see you again Bellamy. It's been forever." I said with a warm smile. He nodded. "This is my sister.. You met her when she was 16." Bellamy said while nudging his sister. She seemed like she had a lot to say, but remained quiet. I respected that. "Yes I remember.. She was fiery.. One of the reasons why she's here today.. She kept insisting she play Alex.. " I smiled towards Bellamy once more. Then my eyes drifting towards Octavia. "You were quite good too" I winked at her. She laughed a little harder than she should've. And I moved on to Clarke. "Ms.Griffin, I sincerely apologize for the incident that happened yesterday. It must be such a bother" I said, amusement hiding behind my eyes as the pretty girl seemed agitated I was bringing this up. She moved to talk.. But I cut her off. "-if anything .. It seems to have guaranteed you the spot of Eliza" I said not bothered by the surprised eyes I got all around the table. I met Clarke's confused eyes.. Blue.. They suit her. "Emotion.. Emotion is what I've been looking for in you.. And I found it. No need to audition." My words surprised me.. I was going to have her audition.. But when I saw her something changed. Here I was trusting these 3 with important roles... That's how you know I've been doing this far too long. Clarke still confused.. Yet looking very relieved finally spoke. 

  "Thank you.. So much! I've been wanting to be a part of one of your projects since WB2M" she said. Her face lighting up.. I could see Eliza in her. She was beautiful. Maybe that's why I was trusting her.. But knowing my book was her favorite.. This intrigued me. Usually people have their own shitty reasons I barely ever care about.. But this one, this one should be good. "Yes.. I've heard my book is your favorite.. And I hope I'm not digging too far but.. Why?" I crossed my legs and placed my elbows above my knees. My body language letting her know I was truly intrigued and this wasn't just me being polite. "Well." She gulped. I ignored it.. Why is it that people are always so nervous to talk to the author of their favorites.. As if their interpretation of the book was sin and they didn't want to embarrass themselves. On the contrary.. Every creator loves hearing people's version of their work of art. I nodded encouraging her to continue. At this point everyone at the table sprouted into their own conversation. "Um. I like how this isn't a conventional relationship. When you read it for the first time.. Yes it seems like a normal lesbian relationship going well that abruptly ends.. But the second time.. That's when you truly see the pain Celia was going through.. And it's understandable Alex couldn't see it because.. Because she was experiencing something she's never had and/or hasn't had in a while.. A sense of love, of family.. She was so focused on her new life she couldn't see anything wrong with the girl that brought her this new feeling. In my opinion.. I think Alex goes crazy. That's why the book cuts off mid sentence" she said.. Her hand gestures the way her eyes drifted.. She's giving this thought.. And she couldn't be more right. Alex did go crazy. I went crazy.

   "It's my favorite because at different times in my life I've found myself relating to either Alex or Celia.. I've gotten that overwhelming sense of happiness and selfishness.. I've been blinded by good things. And I've also been ignored.. Made to feel nothing... Walked around empty while those around me had no clue" her eyes met mine and I held in a gasp..
"You're on to something.. With the whole 'Alex goes crazy' thing " I said.. Legs un-crossing, back straight. Both hands on the arms of the seat. "Am I? I mean i don't know that just how I always saw it.. If that's not the point you meant to get across-" she hurried.. Eyes wide. "No.. It isn't.. But I'm glad you found refuge in my fictional characters.." I spoke quietly.. Getting ready to turn my attention towards the others."Okay. So I thought I would give you all quick run downs about your character.. You are the first 3 cast characters.. Well after you sign the papers of course.. Congratulations. " my eyes scanned each of their faces.. They seemed genuinely happy. "Okay.. Bellamy. Your character as you already know is Robert Callahan. A wealthy business man and the last to join the people in the sky before they closed the doors after the food shortage. You are a con man. No one knows this. Being in the sky has only made you wealthier. That was your plan all along. You are the reason the sky people have to go to the ground.. Your plan was to weaken life in the sky and merge both groups for your own personal gain. The audience wont know this till the season finale. When the sky people make their way to the ground and loose their leadership you are the first to take responsibility and attempt to lead them. " I said from the top of my head. I was quite proud of his story line.. I put a lot of thought into it.. "Octavia.. You are Alycia Callahan. You are on the ground.. Your brother left you to make money in the sky.. You knew his plan.. You tried to stop him knowing it would only bring death.. Before your brother left he took the life of the grounders leader. No one knows this.. You take power. You are the leader of the grounders.. Millions of people have now started to look to you. Your position is being questioned when you show leniency towards your brother and his people after they come down from the sky killing 49 of your men in the landing." Octavia nodded excitedly. Alycia was my brain child.. My hope.. If she failed.. "Clarke. You are Eliza Taylor. Your family has been in the sky for generations.. You have always felt out of place in the sky.. Your lover, carter was banished to the ground after his family lost everything. Moving to the ground gives you hope in finding him again.  You reconcile but after an unfortunate even his life is lost.. Robert is hiding something and this leads you to not trust him.. You convince the sky people to listen to you over him.. And you work for peace between the 2 groups.. " she nodded enthusiastically.

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