Chapter 25:Dont leave

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(A/N: I promise I'm not Jason guys.. ;)

Abby came into the hospital barking orders at everyone. She was one of the most prestigious doctors in New York City and was currently taking a leave of absence. But after her daughter, whom she hasn't spoken to for more than half a year, called she was on her way to the Presbyterian hospital in less than 20 minutes.

Raven had a piece of metal in her Lower spine and one dangerously close to the frontal lobe of her brain. Everything else was just surface wounds.

Abby hadn't even seen her daughter yet, she went straight to helping her friend.. So when she did see her it would be with good news.

After 2 hours of meticulously struggling to remove the piece in Ravens frontal lobe, Abby did it, walking out of the room and removing her gloves she made her way to her daughter.

Lexa was slumped across a chair, she had no more energy left, not even to cry. Clarke was snuggled into her, her jacket sprawled over them to shield them both from the cold hospital air.

Clarke whispered reassuring things, and stories in the girls ear to keep her awake.. The wound in her head started to clot, but she'd still lost a lot of blood.

Abby witnessed this as she walked into the waiting room, a girl she didn't recognize clinging onto her daughter.

"Clarke" she whispered softly. People resembling the girl next to Clarke slept in all areas of the waiting room. She wondered if they were all family of the girl she briefly operated on.

"Mom!" Clarke gently placed Lexa's head on the cushion. Making sure the girl was comfortable before she walked the short distance to her mother.

Extending her arms she captured the woman in a much needed hug. She loved her mother, she was so much like her mother. "Mom, I'm so sorry" she choked on her words. A reassuring hand rubbed her back. "We'll talk about it later.. I love you" she told her daughter for the first time in months.

"Lexa" Clarke woke the girl who seemed to be drifting to sleep.

"How long has she been bleeding like that?" Abby asked, walking towards Lexa and crouching In front of her to inspect the wound on her face.

"About 3 hours, she's refusing treatment till she see's her best friend...and she's incredibly stubborn, will fight if she has to apparently" Clarke smiled softly towards the sleeping girl. Abby knew that look. She knew it well, she saw that look pointed towards Finn many times in her daughters life.

"Her names, Lexa?" Her mother softly asked her, and Clarke nodded. "Lexa. I'm Abby, Clarke's mom.. Raven will be okay sweetie, but I need you to get your head checked out or you won't be alive to see her wake up.. Your losing blood darling" Abby shook her gently.

Lexa groggily shook her head. "J-just let me see her doc, let me see my sister" she whispered brokenly. And In that moment, both Clarke and Abby's hearts broke for the girl.

Briefly thinking about it, Abby saw no harm in letting her see the girl for a couple minutes.

"Okay, just a couple minutes then you have to promise me you'll let me check your head, and give you some blood" Abby said sternly. And Lexa's head bobbed up and down.

Lexa couldn't stand on her own, so Abby had Clarke help get the girl to Ravens room.

Walking in, Lexa refused Clarke's help, she walked briskly, almost falling a couple times.. Towards her best friend.

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