Chapter 6: Therapy

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A/n something these girls need very much.. Therapy!!!! No but really.. This is what Lexa feels like everyday.. Like she's smiling into the void and the worlds just shitting on her.

E news!:Lexa woods seen exiting the airport after completely dropping of the radar for 3 weeks

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E news!:
Lexa woods seen exiting the airport after completely dropping of the radar for 3 weeks.. We hope, to start writing the sequel to Whispers Between the Masses that was recently announced.

I closed the tab on the phone and put my phone away. We started filming 3 days after the table read and by July 23 we had 4 episodes done. We were filming in polis. Filming shows was something so simple compared to movies. Movies are filmed all over the place. Never in order. But shows are quite chronological. The show was better than any movie I'd ever filmed. Different emotion, different betrayals. Death seemed to follow my character where ever she went. 'How fitting' I thought myself as I picked up the script.

Episode 5 (scene 9)
Send my heart away

Eliza walked through the bodies of the murdered grounders.. She caused this. It was her bright idea to try and signal to the other sky people who'd fallen on different parts of earth.

Her face dropped.. No longer able to remain stoic.

She reached down to touch the face of a small child dead on the ground when she felt someone jump on her back.

You did this sky girl. You killed my People.

Eliza spun around. Eyes clouded with rage.. She could not see this was her lover. He was covered in dirt and mud. Same as he could not see this was his love. She was covered in blood and ash.
Your people tried to kill mine as soon
We stepped on the ground. We have a right to be here just as much as you do.

Eliza snarled and they circled around eachother..
Cue fight..
The ground stopped being yours the minute you grew too good to live on it.. The minute you moved to the sky and left all of us to die.. It stopped being yours.
All this being said while fighting..

Carter steps away for a second. And backs up.. He runs towards Eliza and she holds up her knife right in front of her as his body meets hers.. Their eyes meet for the first time.
Carter. CARTER? Please tell me it
isn't you.

Carter smiled and tried to chuckle but blood poured out of his mouth.
Im afraid it is my queen.. I'm afraid-

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