Chapter 22: Can we stay like this forever

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(A/N: I have a cool concept that came to me for another story.. But I already have this one and the million dollar lie so I don't know if I should go for it.. But you guys this concept is SO GOOD. I don't know.. I'm not sure people would ready it though. I might just make it a regular GxG story instead of a clexa au.)

Clarke and Lexa roamed the isles of the grocery store as Octavia and Raven did the same next door at the liquor store.

Clarke was told she could pick out whatever she wanted for the party and she didn't need to be told twice. She somehow climbed in the cart let herself be engulfed by all the junk food.

"Ohh get Oreos.. We can make milkshakes.. And pass me those.. Yes the Cheese-itz. Uhh no not the white cheddar those are gross. Original" Clarke demanded.. The girl knew about her food.

Lexa obeyed the girl and walked toward the soda isle. Where Clarke rose up slightly to reach for a few different types of soda. Lexa was looking down at her phone, making sure everything her uncle asked for specifically was in the cart, when she felt her cart hit someone's side. "Shit I'm so sorry-" Lexa's head snapped up and she rushed out an apology but was met with a familiar face.

"Lexa! Hey" Ontari said walking around the cart slightly to give her a hug. Ontari seemed to bed with 2 other people. A big, beefy looking, long haired man and a mature looking woman with a stone cold face.

"Hey Tari! How are you?" She asked. Ontari went to give Clarke a side hug. But all the food didn't let her.. At least that's what it looked like. Clarke was definitely not burying herself deeper into the cart to avoid contact with Ontari...

"I'm great! This is my foster mom Nia and my foster brother Roan" she pointed to both. Lexa nodded, giving a firm handshake to each.

Clarke felt so awkward in between the girls as they spoke. She didn't pay attention to what they were saying though. Her jealously and the stack of nutella's behind her didn't allow her to.

"So, when are we gonna hang out again" Ontari said invitingly. This snapped Clarke out of her Nutella trance, and she hoped and prayed Lexa wouldn't invite Ontari to the party tonight.

Lexa looked like she was giving it some thought, her eyes fell to Clarke, who had her arms over her chest and a grumpy look on her face.

Lexa must've been looking at the adorable girl far too long because even Clarke looked at her expecting an answer.

"Oh uh whenever you want! " Lexa said absentmindedly.

Ontari wasn't stupid though.. She saw all this food and only thought... PARTY

"So, what are you guys up to with all this food"
Ontari laughed softy eying Clarke's body in the sea of food.

"Oh just a family gathering" Clarke finally spoke.. If Ontari wasn't going to talk to her then she was going to plug herself in to the conversation.

Ontari didn't even look at Clarke, she looked slightly above her, and this made the blonde fume. "Then why are you going" she asked innocently. This was when Lexa finally understood this wasn't a causal conversation and that it was getting feisty. But of course she stood to defend Clarke.

"Because I want her to meet them.. But anyways she should get going they're expecting us. It was nice seeing you.. Nice to meet you guys byeeee" Lexa said and pulled the cart in reverse. She was surprising the urge to laugh..

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