Chapter 29:Finally mine

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Clarke woke up with the biggest smile she's ever had. Lexa was passed out beside her, and Clarke knew she wasn't going to wake up for a while since she hasn't slept properly in days. So she threw on a random t-shirt over her naked body and some underwear, then made her way downstairs to make breakfast for everybody.

And after that failed, she ordered.. Cause Clarke can't cook.

After the food got to the house, she made everything look special, she stacked the pancakes. Arranged the eggs on a plate and layed the bacon on top, started placing the fresh fruit in a bowl as soon as Raven and Octavia stumbled into the room.

"O-oh hey Clarke" Raven said, but she honestly didn't know why she was so surprised.

"Hey Rae, hey O.. I got breakfast" Clarke said, folding the takeout boxes and placing them in the trash..

"Can we eat now? Or.. " Octavia started to say, and Raven intervened "or do you want us to wait for lex"

"Nah you guys go ahead, I'll bring hers up" she smiled towards the stray she set up earlier.

Bringing that big thing upstairs was a hassle, Lexa's stairs were steep, but she eventually got the hang of it and opened her door with ease, only to see sitting with her legs crossed on the bed, with her head in her hands.

Clarke walked in tray first then shut the door with her foot, startling Lexa. "Lex, everything okay?" She smiled brightly setting the tray down on the corner of her bed.

Lexa had a blank look on her face, she covered her naked body with her blanket, but something about seeing Clarke, still there. Despite her negative thoughts about how she left and didn't want to be with her when she woke to an empty bed. Something about the girl being there, with a tray of breakfast. It brought an unfamiliar feeling of happiness.

"Yeah.. Everything's fine " she allowed a smile to return to her tired face. Yawning she motioned towards the food. "What's this?" Lexa asked.

"I thought we could all use some good food after last nights drinking fest" Clarke laughed shuffling closer to Lexa, then moving to bring the tray over them both.

"Oh are we sharing, cause.. I thought this was all mine?" Lexa joked. But never in a million years would she be able to eat all of that.

Clarke laughed, nudging her with her elbow. "Rude" she mumbled, bringing a piece of fruit to her lips.

Lexa laughed softly to herself, then let slip what she was thinking. "Last night was-"

"Amazing" Clarke added with a mouth full of fruit, juices dripping down her chin, to her neck. Lexa's eyes darkened slightly.

"I wanna take you out Clarke.." Lexa said, struggling to ground herself. The girl next to her was killing her.

"Ooh, where we going?" She raised a brow suggestively.

Lexa smiled, taking a piece of the sheet she was gripping close to her clad body, and wiped Clarke's chin. Accidentally exposing her chest.

This time it was Clarke's turn to get turned on. "I mean like, a date Clarke.." Lexa looked down at her hands nervously, only them noticing her exposure.

She quickly covered herself, then looked up to Clarke. Noticing her similar expression.

"I'd love to go on a date with you.. Preferably after round two.." She said moving the food from above them.

And that's how they spent their morning.
Showered, groomed and ready, Clarke and Lexa left Octavia and Raven in the house alone, and headed towards Lexa's favorite place in the world.

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