Chapter 10: Adventures and indie pop

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A/n: I fucking love Sundara karma

The two girls finished their meals in comfortable silence and walked town the streets. Arms locked getting to know each other. "Mm favorite movie" Clarke asked stopping at a cross walk.
Lexa didn't even have to think about it. "The Duke of Burgundy" she smiled.
Yes it was really gay.. And really kinky. But the movie was so amazing and unpredictable. She loved every second of it. Evelyn and Cynthia's relationship was toxic from the start.. The audience knew it, but the beauty was they didn't. They swore their happiness would last. Evelyn's selfishness couldn't let her see Cynthia didn't want to continue the dominant lifestyle she was living. She couldn't see the only reason Cynthia continued in their games was because it made Evelyn happy.
"I've never seen it" Clarke said frowning.
Lexa laughed with a slight snort and Clarke's head shot up to smile at the girl.
"Watch it.. Believe me it's worth the confusion. The story of Evelyn and Cynthia is something that parallels Alex and Celia's..   I'm curious if your movie taste is just as good as your book's." She said to Clarke.. Really hoping it wasn't anything too common. The girl seemed complex in many ways and somehow with every question Lexa felt herself wanting more.
"Ugh probably.. Any day now. With Alan Cummings.. That ones amazing" Clarke said with a slight nod.
Lexa nodded enthusiastically. "Oh that ones really good too!.. The ending completely broke my heart..Okay favorite book.. Besides mine" Lexa added smirking..
Clarke only rolled her eyes and nudged her with her elbow.. She really had to think about this.. Lexa's book was really the only book Clarke could stand to read over and over again..
"Um, probably.. The perks of being a wall flower? " she scrunched her face up confused at her own answer and Lexa's breath caught in her throat. She found the feeling of being underwater returning and quickly answered the question she knew was coming.
"I'm a writer so I shouldn't have so many.. But I do" Lexa chuckles trying to shake off the warmth that found its way back to her chest.
"What are they?" Clarke dragged Lexa across the street as the light changed.
"The book thief, we were liars, barefoot to Avalon, stand.. So many" she breathed out a slight laugh at the end of her sentence.
"Tv show?" Clarke asked as she neared Lexa's car..
"I don't watch tv.." Lexa confessed as opened the door to her big black Range Rover. Clarke getting in on the other side.. She heard the gasp from the opposite side of the car and couldn't help but blush.
"You don't watch tv?!? The great Lexa Woods, writer of so many shows... Doesn't watch TV?!?" Clarke snapped her seatbelt not looking at the girl as if she grew another head.
"I just.. I've seen Santa without his beard smoking in the back of the mall.. " Lexa shrugged.. She then realized she wasn't with Raven and the metaphor she used must've been the most confusing thing Clarke had ever heard.
"I MEAN.. I know the tricks and stuff that go on behind the scenes.. I've met a lot of the writers for most popular shows at the moment and all tv writers seem to do is brag about their storylines so I know how most shows end anyways.. It's a waste of time .." She finished just as Clarke busted out laughing next to her.
"Why was the Santa thing the go to answer" she said trying to hold back another earth shattering hearty laugh but couldn't.
Lexa found herself laughing beside her. "My best friend Raven and I.. " Lexa chucked causally remembering the singing session she had with the girls just yesterday.
" We usually drive together everywhere and I get a little crazy when I'm in the car with her" she said while Clarke wiped the tears threatening to spill from how hard she was laughing..
"Our vocabulary and way of speaking when we're with each other.. Is quite colorful.." Lexa finished. Clarke smiled looking towards the dashboard where a couple pictures where placed.

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