Chapter 17: Im supposed to be the runner but it turns out it was you.

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(This song is clexa.. Every lyric describes their situation. It could be interpreted from either Clarke or Lexas point of view and that's what I love about it. It even says "love is weakness" and omg you are welcome you guys.. I don't ever double check my spelling and stuff cause I get excited, but soon I'm gonna edit the whole story.. I just wanna finish it first.)

"So not only did she not want to be your friend but she had the audacity to barely even try to explain. " Raven said sliding on her bra as Lexa sat on the edge of her bed. She nodded incredulously. Throwing her hands up in the air exasperatedly "makes no sense right!" She said to Raven. Who confirmed Lexa was right in this one.

"But anyways. Let's talk about you, Ms, Hypocrite. What the fuck?" Lexa pulled the girl by the back of her bra down into the bed roughly. She was upset at Raven over Octavia. She felt so bad for the girl that night. Drowning in confusion wondering why her pull towards Raven was so strong.. Lexa could relate. And frankly she was mad a her best friend for running away instead of woman-ing up.

Raven fell on the bed with a thump, groaning she tried to get up but Lexa just pulled her back down. "Can we not talk about it" she said finally giving up. Lexa shook her head no waiting for the girl to start speaking. "I'm just, I'm scared. I like her a lot, and I get tired of people easily, and I'm worried that'll happen one day and I'll hurt her" Raven said, avoiding the major reason. What she said was true, yea.. But Finn wrecked her. When she saw him and Clarke's pictures all over the news. It completely destroyed her. The fact that the man she loved, was with another woman the whole time. Not only that but they were engaged. And she had to find out after he died. The girl had no closure. She slept around for 7 months and then came this beautiful ball of sunshine that in only 4 days of knowing her made her rethink everything she did since Finn.

"She was really upset you walked out, but anyways that's not the point, the point is, I gave Clarke a chance and let her in, it's time you do the same with Octavia... No matter the consequences." Lexa said getting up, she needed a shower, a class of wine and sleep, she had a day off the next day and wasn't going to risk it for anybody.

The next day, Clarke wasn't doing so hot.
One thing is to be so distracted you don't realize your heart hurts a little less every day, another thing is to be so distracted and infatuated with a girl you forget you left your jewelry, but most importantly your mothers ring at her house Clarke scolded herself as she walked into set. She spent the night drinking again and realized right before she went to bed. She went to slide the ring off her finger only to realize it wasn't there.

She dialed the girls number, hoping she wasn't avoiding everyone still.
"Well you have some nerve" came Ravens dramatic voice on the other end of the line. Clarke nervously said nothing. "So are you gonna talk orr?" Raven added.. Impatient. She was writing a text to Octavia.. So close to pressing send when Clarke called. "Uh, yes, I Raven I'm glad you're better. Um I was wondering if you could get something for me." Clarke asked holding her breath.. She should of expected what came next. "You ditch my best friend and expect me to do you favors" Raven barked. The sound of someone whispering rang in the backround. "No-no you don't have to.. But um, it's kind of important, I left my mothers ring in uh-" Clarke started but couldn't bare to say her name. "In h-her room.. And was wondering if you could fetch it for me" Clarke felt like she was walking on eggshells.
She heard an intake of breath. "I'll text you.. I gotta go" Raven said and quickly hung up.

Raven: I'm not home right now and neither is Lexa.. We won't be for a while, you can let yourself in. Don't steal anything.

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