Chapter 4: The meeting

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Octavia cried.. She cried. I woke her with the good news and she fucking cried. Something she hasn't done for years. Lexa woods book was something we both fell in love with as 16 year olds. And here she was about to be part of something possibly just as big. She cried again when I told her I might be the main character 'Eliza'. She was so happy, I almost didn't show her the pictures of my spazzing out on yesterday's photographers. But she saw them over my shoulder. "No time to be upset" I said as I closed the tab on my phone. "Let's go make our dreams come true" I grabbed her hand and my bag and just like that we were out the door. We took the train. It was 3 o'clock and we had 2 hours. The train ride was about an hour, it would have been less but there was some kind of accident. And we decided to stop for lunch near the Woods and Co headquarters. "Oh my god, in all this madness I almost forgot to call Bellamy!. We have to tell him the good news." Octavia said as we finished our meal. She quickly rummaged through her bag, I assumed, looking for her phone. But my eyes drifted over her shoulder to the familiar face walking towards the Woods and Co entrance. "Uh I don't think that's necessary O" I smiled. Waving to catch his attention.Octavia looked confused then noticed I was signaling someone over her shoulder and turned around. "BELL" she yelled abruptly standing up almost forgetting her purse. She ran towards her brother and I jogged softly behind. Not forgetting to cover the tab. "Hey little sis" he said with a huge smile on his face.. He seems like he's in a good place. The last time I saw Bellamy he was struggling with alcoholism. He ran a hand over my face and softy pinched my cheek "hey nugget"

"What are you doing here I thought you were taking a break" she said. Touching his cheeks as if checking if he was real.
"Well, my sisters favorite author offered me a role in her TV show and I couldn't say no"
"NO WAY!! I GOT A ROLE TOO" Octavia said looking up with childlike wonder at her big brother. This really was important to her.
Bellamy chuckled and hugged his sister once more. "That's great O, who are you playing?" He said reaching for my hand and softly walking us over to a Bench in front of the building.
"The love interest.. And Clarke! Clarke's the main role!" Octavia said smugly.
I looked down at my watch 4:49.. We should go.
"Well not yet. I have to audition unlike you lucky ducks.. We should really go inside" I said standing up from the bench. They both nodded putting their conversations on hold.We walked into the building and immediately all felt the pressure. The building was huge. Minimalist. White and grey with hints of black accents. But still breath taking. The amount of Windows caused for natural light. The room was bright and people moved animatedly. "Hello! You must be the the Blakes! And Ms. Griffin. Very nice to meet you" a tall slim lady with brown hair and a black dress pulled is out of our thoughts. Her name tag said Allie."Now if you could join me for a second. Ms. Woods is running a little bit late. Indra Crewe the director is here though, also the producer Thelo, Jaha and the Co producer Marcus Kane. Your meeting will be held outside, please follow me. " I was used to this.. Meeting the important people. Seeing if they like you. But his felt different. This was something much more serious. This was my childhood inspiration. The girl was only 4 years older.. But when your young that makes such a big difference. Now at 20.. Not so much..

Narrator POV

They waited out side for about 3 minutes before the director, producer and co producer decided to make their entrance. The 6 made small talk. Spoke about previous projects. Tried to get a feel for one another. When something caught Clarke's attention.
3 men walked beside a tall woman.One white and bald in a suit ,One bald/tan and muscly guy in casual wear , and tan buff guy who didn't talk and seemed to be there just for show a bodyguard maybe? They all walked alongside a tall beautiful woman with flowing brown hair. Wearing a white see through spaghetti strap shirt with mid length high waisted black skinny jeans. Some minimal jewelry and heeled boots. One things for sure. Lexa woods was far more beautiful in person. She walked quickly, coffee handed to her by causal tan guy, and bald white guy seemed to be annoying the shit out of her. "OKAY, Jesus Titus, a headache before AND after the meeting. Is that what you're trying to give me." She said and walked at a quicker pace in front of the man.
She reached our little table in the back yard of the quarters and put on a warm smile.
"Hello everyone, sorry I'm late, I got held up with some issues regarding the pilot, this is my brother Lincoln. You all know Titus Polaris My manager and this is Roger my bodyguard."

Lexa:3 hours earlier I woke up, struggling to breath, it was another Costia nightmare

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3 hours earlier
I woke up, struggling to breath, it was another Costia nightmare.. Where she blamed me.. She called me selfish. She hated me.
I reached into my nightstand and put on my glasses. Slowly looking through my phone. It was 2:30. And I had a meeting in 2 and a half hours. Great.
Titus barged into the room in His suit with a Jamba Juice in his hand and my outfit for the day.
"Bless your gay ass" I mumbled as I reached for my mango-a-go-go.
He retracted the hand with the delicious mango smoothie.
"Nope.. Shower first. And I now isn't my ass great" he said dropping the clothes in my hand and turning around towards the door.
With his back turned he says "this was just motivation" he shakes the smoothie slightly and mumbles that it's going in the fridge.
I grumbled a "fuck you tits-r-us" a smart nickname I came up with since his name was Titus. I ripped off my clothes and went for the shower but my stomach cramped and growled. So in all my naked glory I marched to the fridge, glared at Titus and grabbed my smoothie.
Nothing he hasn't seen before.. Plus he's suuuuper gay.

"Don't fuck with my Jamba Juice." I said And made my way back to the shower.

After 30 mins of water wasting I got dressed in the simplest of outfits and went out into the living room to find Titus yelling into the phone . "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE SCRIPT NEEDS A HOOK! ITS THE GODDAMN PILOT. NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT PILOTS ANYMORE!" I rolled my eyes. Usually I got to do whatever I wanted with these scripts. Since I was the creator of the show. But this project has been more of a pain in the ass than the others.
"No I haven't told her yet.." This caught my interest. Titus turned around to realize in the room and quickly made to end the call. "We have to go.. Auditions. I'll call you back later"
He said. Getting my laptop off the table.
He handed it to me with expectant eyes.
"Give the script a hook.. So we can leave"
A hook was what TV writers called the bridge to a plot twist.

I was good at those. I ignored Titus and the laptop. Quickly typed a couple things on my phone and pressed send.
"Done... Can we go now" I heard my self say as I walked passed Titus and simply heard a sigh of relief.
My brother and my bodyguard were waiting for me in lobby.
"Hey lex." He said extending his arms for a hug. I walked around the waiting mans arms and walked towards the corner.
"No time linc.. We're late. You coming with?" over my shoulder as Titus handed me files of the 3 we were going to be conferring with.
Lincoln jogged up beside me and he grabbed 2 cups the body guard seemed to be holding.
"I got ya coffee" he said with a cheesy smile.. Something was up.. He was the silent type. And only was this happy and cheesy when he tried to get something from people.
"Thanks bro. Give me a sec" I grumbled as I looked towards the files... Octavia had only starred in 1 hit show.. In 2007. The rest had been indie films and small roles. I was okay with that. Bellamy's file, didn't have to look at. I was completely confident he was right for the role.
And Clarke's file.. This was something i needed to truly look over. Upon Titus's request.
It mostly had things she's said in interviews, her previous movies.
She's only done 2 shows. The same one Octavia did and one reality show.
I scanned through her media appearances and in quotes it said her favorite book was Whispers between the masses.
I looked for the date.. 4 years ago. Huh.
One page that seemed to be all the way in the back.. Slipped through her hands.
She bend over to pick it up only to realize it was still hot.. As if recently just printed.

Clarke Griffin.. Celebrity breakdown
June 23, 2015. Clarke was walking out of her agent Danny Lockhart's office when one of our paparazzi's asked her about the date. Misinterpreting the question Ms.Griffin got defensive and proceeded to yell and scream curse words at the cameras. And in turn got violent with out photographer.
My eyes widened a little bit as I read the excerpt before me. I'd barely heard anything about Clarke.. Just that she never took breaks. So I assumed her to be quite boring. But this. This was emotion... Something I doubted she had..
Now to see the girls acting.. And I'll consider her for Eliza.

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