Chapter 28:Collect me in your hands.

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Raven was discharged from the hospital 2 days later, with a brace.. Some cool drugs and a physical therapy referral. Lexa still had a gnarly looking stitched up gash close to her hairline. And a couple bruises on her legs. But other than that she was happy. Her best friend was okay, she was okay, Clarke was smiling bright. Octavia and Raven seemed to get closer by the hour. Everything was cool.

The girls, along with Bellamy and Lincoln all sat gathered in Lexa and Ravens living room, with glasses of wine in hand. They were celebrating Ravens recovery and the new found friendships, but there was a slight string of tension in the room, with Clarke thinking about the conversation her and Lexa were bound to have soon, and Lexa overthinking what she would say to Clarke. Both girls were a little distracted.

Bellamy and Lincoln spoke of the past, they knew each other.. They met on set of Lexa's movie. Octavia and Raven were bunched up in an armchair off to the side of the living room. They were emptying Lexa's wine collection.
Soon enough conversations merged together.

"-right lex?" Raven asked the girl, but Lexa didn't catch the question. "Huh?" She let out, dumbly. Raven, Octavia, Lincoln and Bellamy laughed. "I said, when it comes to getting girls I'm way smoother" she repeated, and that was obviously not what she said, because Octavia hit Ravens arm lightly.

"I doubt that, Lexa was quite the charmer in high school.. " Lincoln laughed, and Lexa choked on her wine slightly.

"I don't know what you remember, but I surely was not" Lexa clarified. Lincoln pretended to be deep in thought. "Oh yeah that was me" he joked and Lexa threw her pillow at her brother. "Dickwad" she mumbled slightly.

"Aw come on lex, you were really bad. I remember when we forced you to ask Michael Humford to the dance.. You gave him your favorite Pokemon and said-"

"You can have it if you pick me up at 6.. For the dance" Lexa finished his sentence.. Smiling at her past self. That was before Costia, when boys were just that. When she was okay.

"He took the Pokemon and ditched her" Lincoln slapped his knee in laughter. Shocked Bellamy and Octavia both howled in laughter at the story, but Clarke seemed far away. Lexa noticed.

"To be fair, he didn't tell anyone he was moving that day.. So technically he ditched everyone.." Lexa defended herself, which only caused for everyone else to laugh harder.

Clarke stood up from her spot on the couch, finishing her glass of wine. Lexa saw this from the corner of her eye and excused herself from the group.

Clarke was in Lexa's room upstairs, sitting on her bed with her head in her hands. Lexa sat her glass down on the floor beside the bed and sat next to Clarke, collecting her in her arms.

"You alright?" She mumbled Into her hair. She was tired. Still running on small collections of 2-3 hour naps, it felt nice to sit on her bed. But it also felt nice to share a quiet moment with Clarke. Since they met, things have been hectic. It was nice to have a moment, just the two of them with no drama and no car accidents and no secrets, no dead-ex problems.

"Yeah I'm just.. It's all hitting me now you know? I forget how quick life can take things away from you. We were so focused on Raven walking again.. We forgot we could have lost both of you.. It could have been so much worse" Clarke finished. Looking out the window next to Lexa's bed, Clarke counted the clouds.. It was something she did every time she felt her anxiety return. She counted things.

"I'm here. And if I can help it, I won't go anywhere" Lexa tried to reassure her but that didn't help, coming from the girl who already lost so much.

"I just found you.. "Clarke told her, frowning at the clouds as they slowly moved away.

"Something tells me we've been looking for each other for a while" Lexa chuckled softly, the feeling she got when she was with Clarke, was too unique to be normal. The feeling of being inside a black hole, of being underwater. Hearing your heart beat 1000% clearer as if pulses in your ear. That's the sound of someone who's found what their looking for.

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