Chapter 11: One day at a time

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Lexa entered her home just as the clock hit 7:30.
She had a wonderful time with Clarke.. And would have stayed out longer but the girl was practically falling asleep.
They went to a park. Telling stories about their parents and their childhoods.

"When I was five my mom made me take guitar lessons.. I picked it up really quickly but for some reason.. I, for the life of me.. Couldn't perform for anyone.. It gave me really bad anxiety. But one day.. She caught me.. I wrote a song for one of my.. Friends, and she was listening behind the door. I started crying. It's silly now but I was so mad at her. That's when she told me to never be afraid of what I can do.. " Lexa smiled at Clarke. It was one of the few memories she remembered.
They were laying in the grass on a field. Lexa insisted on taking Clarke home to get some sleep but the blonde girl seemed to have had a random burst of energy.
"That reminds me of one time my mom found one of my drawings.. It wasn't the most appropriate thing. I drew my vagina... I was 8 and very curious so I held a mirror to it and drew it" Clarke busted out laughing at her own childhood memory.. "She was kinda proud.. She kept saying 'wow, I raised a feminist' but she made me rip it up" Lexa laughed too..

The house was awfully quiet.. But the desktop in the corner of the room was still on and Lexa saw the date.. It was July 26th. 2 weeks till Costia's death anniversary.
Lexa looked down at the floor.
She felt guilty.. As if being out with Clarke disintegrated Costia's memory.
It dawned on her what she was doing..
I can't bring Clarke Into this mess.. She's already hurting.. Even as a friend I'll just fuck her up
Lexa shook her head.. She opened the door to her dark room. She needed to remember. She was starting to forget what Costia's face looked like as images of Clarke invaded her mind.
Her closet door was opened and she dug out the box she promised herself she'd only look at once a year..

Her hands shook as she pulled off the lid of the old converse box.

She put aside her first empty bottle of prescription antidepressants that were in there and a headband Costia always wore.

The smiled at a picture of Aden holding Aden the dog.

When she got to the bottom she found the beanie full of pictures.

Her hands shook as she saw the first one

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Her hands shook as she saw the first one..

"Lexa I have to tell you something" Costia and Lexa held hands as they walked down the Coney Island board walk. It was late and dark out.. Anya, Aden, Lincoln and Adens new boyfriend trailing behind them.

Lexa was worried she would say she was going back home.. I mean she would be happy for her but..they became close friends. Lexa had the biggest crush on her but she was scared that if she told her she would leave.

Lexa looked anywhere but the beautiful girls eyes. Costia removed their hands from each other and put her hands in her back pockets.

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