Chapter 18: The open water makes your eyes look bluer

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Hold this for me guys)

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Hold this for me guys)

Lexa walked towards the she was so familiar with, Raven finally texted her in full sentences and assured her she would be there.

She smiled at her uncle leaning against the door frame with two puppies. "Welcome home, here is your goodie bag" he joked handing her the puppy.

Lexa laughed as it quickly started licking her face. "Wow, if I'd known is actually leave with a puppy I would have visited you sooner" Lexa joked back. Her uncle smiled enveloping her in a hug.

"So who's puppy is this?" She asked entering the home, her uncle not far behind her. "Lincoln's.. He's late" he said putting the puppy down. Lexa nodded understanding her brother had a problem with punctuality.
Lexa walked into the living room to spot her sister sitting on Nyko's lap. Echo with her boyfriend playing an intense game of chess, and Emori and Murphy sitting on the floor playing with a puppy.

"Hey guys" Lexa said adjusting the puppy in her arms. They all looked up at her, practically in awe, realizing she was actually here. "You owe me 10 bucks echo" she heard Murphy dryly announce.

To which her cousin groaned. "Out of all the family reunions.. You choose to attend this one" echo complained rolling her eyes, pulling out a 10 dollar bill and slamming it on the table. "But it's good to have you back" she added the anger of losing a bet leaving her face and turning into a soft smile. Lexa laughed slightly and gave her a side hug, since her other hand was occupied by the small dog. Anya got up from Nyko's lap and took the dog from her, "so I'm the only one who doesn't get one" she huffed, hugging Lexa and moving to the side allowing Nyko to greet Lexa as well.

"You don't need a dog your about to have a kid" Lexa mused while hugging Nyko

Emori and Murphy shuffled to say hello to her as well. Her cousin hugged her and Murphy awkwardly held his hand up, for a high five. Lexa rolled her eyes remembering this was their thing.

The high five soon turned into their handshake.
Lincoln entered the room just as they finished. Also holding a puppy. "Sorry I'm late but I had a hot date" he said walked with his arms linked with Octavia. Lexa's eyes bugged out of her head. "Shit" she mumbled. "No no no no no no.. Lincoln.. What?" Was all Lexa managed to spew. "What I was buying cheesecake at a bakery and ran into her" Lincoln said innocently.. Just as Lexa was about to explain was was wrong with the situation, Raven walked in all high and mighty. "Your local crack dealer has arri- what the fuck?" She froze mid step, the look on her face said she was about to dash but Lexa quickly rushed to her side..

"Relax.. Don't ruin this. Uncle G planned this out perfectly.. I think she's gonna leave anyway" Lexa whispered in Ravens ear. The girl visibly calmed.. But nodded her head at Octavia. Who cowered behind Lincoln. "Guys what's going on?" He asked. Looking between the 3 girls. "I'm just gonna go, thank you for inviting me Lincoln, it was fun-"

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