Chapter 23: Darling you give me heartache's.

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(A/N: hello my name is Benedit and I'm here to fuck shit up. Also I'm gonna be writing a lot more this week since I'm on spring break.. I have the chapters all planned out and I know we're 23 chapters in and still don't have a relationship.. But patience my children.. These girls are pretty messed up and need to establish a good relationship with themselves before they can truly commit to one another. It's coming tho.

Will I be named the Jason rotinhell of wattpad for this? NAAAAAH

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Will I be named the Jason rotinhell of wattpad for this? NAAAAAH. Right? )

Lexa and Clarke danced the night away.. Forgetting all of their troubles. At one point in the night Raven got drunk enough to join them. Octavia stayed sober throughout the night, in order to take care of the girls..

It was 3 in the morning and everyone was settled, people planned to sleep on the floor or in their cars.. Octavia couldn't drive Clarke stick-shift so they had no choice but to stay. Raven gave Nyko and Anya her room and opted to sleep on the living room floor with the rest of her 'family'.

"Does everyone have blanket?" Lexa asked from the top of the stairs.. Anya and Nyko were sat at counter in the kitchen waiting for everyone to get settled before they went up to Ravens room. Everyone removed the cushions from the couch and placed them on the floor, making little beds for themselves. "Uh I don't have one.." Emori said, ready to get up to get one..

"No it's alright we'll get it" Lexa said, walking up the remaining steps with Clarke to try and track down an extra blanket.

"Clarke can you check in Ravens room.. In her closet. I'll check in the laundry room" she called out to Clarke who drunkenly nodded.

She stumbled onto Ravens room, wiping her head around looking for a closet. And found one in the corner of the very messy room.

Successfully, she reached the other side of the room without tripping on the miscellaneous objects on the floor, threw the door opened and harshly moved things to the side in search for said blanket.

Wanting to give up and lay on the inviting bed behind her.. She crouched down to look on the spaces below.. Hoping to find what she was looking for and thank goodness she did because she was ready to collapse.

Blanket in hand she let her eyes wander around Ravens room once more and gripped the door handle ready to exit the room. But something caught her eye in the garbage can beside the door.

A broken picture frame with the picture still inside. Clarke didn't want to Invade Ravens privacy like this but.. Her drunken self couldn't control itself as her hand reached inside the bin to retrieve the picture.

Clarke wasn't aware if the thoughts were trying to punish her or if what she was seeing was real.

There before her was a picture of Raven and Finn, kissing by the shore of a very blue beach.

Confused.. She ripped the picture out of the broken frame. Turning it around, knowing this family had a thing for writing behind pictures she looked for a date..

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