Chapter 20: The other side

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(A/N: this ones short cause the next ones super long.. But i like it I don't know.. Some feedback would be nice)

Raven dialed Lexa's number about 10 times while Octavia drove them to Lexa and Ravens home. All the girls calls where going straight to voicemail, and she would of figured Lexa was directing her there herself if the girl didn't have a strict rule for that shit. She entered her home with Octavia close behind. She wanted to know if the girl was home, she wanted to know if the girl was with Clarke. But she got her answer when she saw both girls, cuddling, in peaceful, wholesome sleep. They held each other tightly. Lexa's hands where locked over Clarke's waist and Clarke's hands where behind Lexa's neck. Her head buried there as well.

Raven looked beside her and watched as Octavia's face fell. They looked at each other knowingly.. Raven hung her head in shame. The girl felt horrible. Seeing them like this, it physically hurt.

"Fuck Rae what do we do?" Octavia pulled Raven into her room, not wanting to wake the girls.

"I don't know, you were the one so Insistent that we tell them!" Raven ran her hands through her hair.

Raven ran her hands through Lexa's hair as she slept. They were on the couch in the living room, Lexa fell asleep after finishing some random movie they decided on. So Raven decided this would be a good time to check for cuts. Her hands roamed the girls body, in the most platonic way possible. She searched her best friend and held a proud smile when all she felt was the scabby ones from last week.

The girl even look stressed out in her sleep.
They were home, a couple weeks after they had sex. And all seemed to be well. Music played softly in the background and Raven hummed along. Lexa liked the way her chest vibrated as she hummed so she did it often. Yes it wasn't a conventional friendship but they had no clue what a normal one was. Lexa mumbled things in her sleep, gripping the edge of Ravens shirt tightly. The green eyed girl seemed to be having a nightmare and little did she know a living nightmare was soon to come. The front door slammed open and Raven couldn't wake Lexa fast enough, her mother saw them. All hell broke loose. Curse words and lamps were thrown around the room. But there was no fear in Lexa's eyes. She stool her ground, shielding Raven from her mothers hits. Backing them up enough for them to slip passed the door before anymore slurs or furniture could harm them. This went on far more times than Raven could count. But Lexa was there for all of them, protecting her and shielding her from the hits she didn't deserve. Lexa would argue with her mom, and defending her, trying to make her see Raven was an amazing smart girl, even though it didn't work it still welded their friendship into an even stronger sword . She even slapped her mom once.. Raven had so much she owed to this girl.
They both knew that, that was probably the most peaceful and happy they had seen their friends in a while. They were lucky they found each other.

Octavia ran through the scenario's in her head.. Not seeing an outcome where Their best friends don't try and pull away from each other.
"It's what they do.. Something happens and they snap back into their shell. One in the same.. Those girls are one in the same.
Octavia I don't know what to do!" Raven paced back and forth in her room. Octavia was sat on her bed, cross legged. Thinking of a way to tell Clarke without it completely ruining her current form of happiness.

"Clarke and Lexa need to know, I don't even think they're together.. I mean. They couldn't just fallen asleep by accident or something" Octavia tried but even she knew that was pure bullshit.

"They may not be together, but they should be. There's no way Clarke Isn't gonna hate me after this."

"Hey! I already told you.. Clarke isn't like that."
Octavia defended her friend.

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