One Direction Concert!

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Zayn's pov Night of Concert

Everyone was rushing to get everything ready for the concert. People were all around us fixing our hair, checking our make up, making sure our microphones were on us, and situating our outfits. "Alright You guys are on in 3 seconds." We all nodded. I started feeling nervous but I knew our fans wont judge us.

We all ran on stage. Even though Up All Night wasn't on the Take Me Home album we came out singing it anyways.

"Katy Perry's on replay she's on replay, DJ got the floor to shake  the floor to shake.... Let me hear You!!!!" The whole crowd was singing with us even louder.

When the song was over  Liam started talking to the audience. I scanned the crowd to find a girl. Tonight we were going to sing Little Things to her.

Tori's pov

"Oh my gosh... Harry is staring right at me!!!!" Liv  screamed in my ear.

"WAVE TO HIM!!!!!!" Liv waved to Harry and he waved back and blew a kiss. Then Liv being her caught it dramatically.

"DID YOU SEE THAT!!!!" Liv started jumping up and down like the bunny she is.

"YES NOW STOP ACTING LIKE A DORK PLEASE!" Liv pouted and crossed her arms together but then she looked at Harry again and started smiling... Dork no one would guess Harry was her favorite.


The concert was almost  over but they had two songs left.

"Alright We need one special lady to come on stage and sit next to us while we sing her a song." Niall explained. I wonder who its going to be.  I keep looking around till a security guard asks me to come with  him.

I follow him to the stage and then it hits me that I'm the girl. EEEPPP. " Go sit there"

I walk on stage and am greeted by the fantabulous 5. "Ello love what's your name?" Louis asks. What should I say full name or no... no

"Tori." I look at Zayn and he is staring right back at me.... does he remember me?

" I love that name!" Louis exclaims. Calm Beautiful unicorn its ok. I know I'm lovely. They start singing. 

Zayn sings his solo to me.  "Your hand  fits in mine like it's made just for me but bare this in mind ,it was meant to be. I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and  it all makes sense to me."

  While Liam sang I looked towards Liv and she gave me a thumbs up. Before the concert she gave me a slip of paper with her phone number on it so if we met Harry she could give it to him, she just didn't want to hold it. Louis started singing and he hugged me from behind. I'm Dead oh my gosh am I dreaming? When Harry started singing he made me stand up and start slow dancing with him. When we got closer I slipped the paper in his jean pocket.

After MY AMAZING DANCING stopped Niall sang and strummed his guitar. If I really think about this its kind of creepy. I mean their walking all around me and staring at me while singing to me. So I wont think about it oops already did. Good thing the song is over that would have gotten AWKWARD. They all gave me a hug but Zayn kind of lingered there. Its Time...... AWKWARD. I waved goodbye and walked off stage back to Liv.

"Did you give it to Harry!!! Why Didn't you say anything to Zayn!!!1 " I nodded. Did that really just happen


Zayn's pov

That girl seemed oddly familiar....odd  I saw her put a slip of paper in Harry's jean pocket hmmmm...... I must get that paper

Authors note:)- Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I hoped you like this chapter. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sooo  I don't know what that was...... I'm going to give Liv or Tori a boyfriend in the next chapter. Either Logan Lerman or Leo Howard are going to play them..... HOTTIEEENNNNEEEESSSS........







 Alright byzies HA!!!!.......................................................I think I belong in an insane asylum -luv Andy xx

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