An unwanted hello

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I looked down at my feet as Zayn started defending us.

"No, no! We just kissed that’s it... I swear." Zayn looked down ashamed.

I walked slowly away to our room and sat down on the bed. My phone started ringing. I looked down at the caller ID and saw it was my mom.

“Hello?” I answered unsure.

My mom and I haven’t talked to each other in about a year. We had a huge fight and she left me… alone.

“Hey Tori… You need to come see me.” She spoke.

“Wh-what?” I spoke in utter confusion.

“I need to talk to about some… things… with you… in person.”

I jumped to my feet suddenly very angry at my mom,” Mom! I can’t just leave where I am I don’t have the money! I don’t have the time…”

I slowly started to sit back down and regretted yelling at my mom, because she still is my mother.

“That’s why I came to you… come outside.” She said.

What??!?!?! I ran down the stairs and to the door and everyone looked at me with confusion. I hesitantly opened the door to be faced with a face I haven’t see in a while… my mother.

“Mom...” I whispered.

“Oh, Tori!” She said and threw her arms around me.

I was slightly taken aback and I put my arms around her. She finally let go of me and looked at me in what I’m guessing was astonishment.

“You look so much more beautiful then since I last saw you.”

“Thanks,” I looked back at the boys and they were all really confused,” Mom, can I talk to you outside for a moment… please?”

I grabbed her and dragged her outside, “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!”

“Don’t you dare get that tone with me young lady!” She lectured.

“I will get that tone with you! How dare you visit me after avoiding me FOR A YEAR!!!! How dare you come out of nowhere and give an unwanted hello to everyone!!! What do you want??!?!?!?!” I screamed pacing back and forth.


“Don’t call me that.”

“Ok, listen… I came here to talk about your father.”

“Daddy, why what’s wrong?” I stopped and stared at her.

“He- He’s dying.”

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