A dream more like a nightmare

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When I got home I went upstairs into my room. I then plopped on my bed, and fell asleep. 

*Dream/ flashback*

I came home crying, only because of the same thing I have been crying about for weeks. Jeremy Wilson, once again his little group was sent to beat me up and make me feel like a worthless peice of shit.I stopped crying before I walked into the door and saw Liv on the couch looking pretty pissed off. 

"Hey, whats wrong?" I said as i walked over to her.

"Go in the kitchen and find out for your self!" She snapped.

I slowly walked into the kitchen and saw Jeremy sitting at the table peacefully eating with my parents.My mom looked up and saw me. She smiled and patted the seat next to her.

"Oh, uh, i'm not that hungry." I said and turned.

"Did you eat anything? You're not anorexic are you? Oh god, hun we're gonna have to take her to a counselour" i heard my father whisper to my mom.

Jeremy was silentlly snickering and muttered to himself," She defenitly isn't anorexic."  It was one fricking burger, my goodness!

"I. Lost. My. Appetite." I said; teeth clenched. Once again, Jeremy snickered.

"oh, darling just come sit and talk with us. You don't have to eat... We want to discuss something with you and this sweet, sweet boy." My mother said totally oblivious to who Jeremy really is.

"I would like to go to sleep. I have a lot of exams tomorrow." i took five steps away.

"Victoria Grace Sanderson! Sit at this table now!" My father demanded.

I sighed and slumped into my seat. I looked at my father and waited for him to speak. I looked towards Jeremy and he smirked at me. 

"Ok, I'm just going to say it... Mr. Wilson here wants to date you."

"What?"  I say.

"Honey, He wants to well, be your boyfriend as they say." My dad says.

"Why?" I look to Jeremy.

Why would he want to date me. He tortures me... why would he like me now. I looked across from me and a tall plump man sat down in a seat.

"Oh, why hello! You must be Victoria?" He says loudly with his deep voice.

"Dad, its Tori." Jeremy speaks. 

"No, you were right its Victoria." I said and shook his extended hand.

"Ah, so, I'm guessing you know now that my son would like to court you." he says. Court?

"Dad, its date, this isnt the 1700s" Jeremy laughs trying to ease up on the awkward moment.

"Oh whatever, anyways you're are probably wondering why? Well, you see, I am a really wealthy business man, so if you date my son you would really be in good hands." He smiles at me.

"We aren't getting married and honestly I don't even like-" i was cut off.

"Sweetie can we talk to you in the hall for a moment, please." 

i huff and stomp into the hall. My parents were talking to me but  I was focusing on Jeremy's conversation with his dad.

"Son, are you sure about this one?" 

"Yea, dad, i really like her."  He says

"But you told me bully her." 

"I know, but it was only because she just wasnt as popular as me and bullying her was the only way to get close to her. This way you can give her money to be popular and i want have to worry about a thing." He shrugs.

I was so angry at that point. He wasnt bullying me because of the burger that was just some stupid reason to hate me. It was because I wasnt popular as him or his friends. Bullying was the only way to get close to me! How about talking to me??!?!?!??! 

"Are you listening, Tori?" 

"Yes." I lied. 

"Ok, then go out there and agree with him do you understand?" 

I nodded. I walked back in the room with a smile on my face and at the end of the day I was dating Jeremy Wilson

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