A happy ending for all.

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I called a taxi and thats how I got home. When I walked in the house my mom saw my and gasped. I guess i looked like a wreck since my makeup was ruined. 

"Oh my-" i cut her off

"Save it, mom. I don't need your little pity party. So save it." I walked towards the stairs.

"Excuse me Victoria... This was not my fault." 

"Not your fault???!?!?! Seriously, mom, this was."  "You said: "Oh, give Jeremey another chance, it is what your father would have wanted." I mimicked her.


"DONT CALL ME THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, Dad, would have wanted me to be happy with my life. Boyfriend or not." I stormed upstairs.

Zayns Pov

When the party ended we all went home. I went to my room and replayed what happened at the party. I felt really bad for Tori, but she hurt me. I heard the door open and saw Louis standing there.

"What." I sighed.

He has been giving me lectures about Tori ever since the interview we had.

"Listen all I am gonna say to you is... You ruined your chances with Tori.... what else can I say but the truth right?"

Louis left leaving me in realisation. I could never be with Tori again, not even bestfriends... not even friends. The next day I woke up early and got ready. I went to her mom's house.

"Hello, Mrs. Sanderson, is Tori here?"

"No, she went for a walk to the park."

I left and went to the park. I walked until I saw Tori sitting on a bench near the duck pond.

"I know why you're here." She spoke.

"Why am I here?" 

"You want to apologize. Louis called me and said he overheard you talking to yourself." She said not taking her eyes off  the ripples in the water.

I sighed and sat down next to her. I noticed what she was wearing a black tanktop, jean shorts, and black flip flops. Around her neck was the "Z" necklace I gave her when we were younger. I noticed her looking at me and I looked her in the eyes.

"Zayn I'm really sorry for not telling you about my dad. I was so stressed about this and I thought I could deal with it but I can't." Her eyes teared up.

"There's no need to apologize... I should have understood, so I apologize. Anyways your dad'll be fine, trust me, he can deal with it. Is there anyway we could be friends again" 

She laughed and rested her head on my shoulder, "Hey, as long as you don't let me go again, it'll be fine."

"So that's a yes to the friends?"

"No, but we can definately be alot more than friends."

Tori's pov

I lent up and kissed Zayn on the cheek. He lent down and kissed me on the mouth. it was a simple and sweet kiss and I loved it. 

*A month Later* 3rd person's point of veiw

Tori and Zayn were still going strong, infact Zayn proposed and Tori said, yes, of course. Their wedding was scheduled for July 3, a perfect birthday present for Tori. She was so exciteded, she had everything all planned out and Zayn just went along with whatever she said trying not to show his annoyance.

Zayn's little sisters were the flower girls. All of her friends and family were invited, and even Harry. Her dad was all better so she would have someone walk her down the isle, yay! Louis was her man of honor because Liv of course couldnt be her maid of honor. 

Speaking of Liv, Tori saw her walking down the street one day with Jeremey. Weird, aye, but everyone changes and has a happy ending. The really weird thing is Liv waved AND smiled at Tori and Tori did that right back. No hard feelings I guess.

Yea thats all, I think. Tori is just really happy because everything worked out for her in the end, it was a happy ending for all. 

She also knew no matter how tough things got Zayn would never let her go, and thats all she really wanted. 

a/n- I am on the verge of tears!!!!!!!!!! Its the End of this book as we know it. This was the my first book that I actually stuck with and finished. Thank you all so much for being here along the way. Thank you for the reads and the votes. I really appreictiate it. If you want to comment on what you liked and didn't like on the book, please feel free to or if you want me to make something clear for you. Oh, this is such a bittersweet moment for me because I didnt want to be done with this but I am so glad I am. Again thank you guys so much for the reads... it means alot. If you want my book I remember the light isn't on hold, so you can read it. Please do!!! Thank you Love you!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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