Ignoring the fireworks

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A/N~ HI! Finally the gang is going somewhere. The last couple chapters were fillers but this has the real stuff so read plz :). Rawr! - Love ya'll Ande

Everyone was really tired and Zayn's home was very close so we decided to crash there for the night....yay! I was really excited because I'd finally get to see his family again!!! As soon as we got there I rushed  out of the car but Zayn beat me inside. I almost cried when I saw the scene in front of me. Zayn just loved his mum so much he almost lifted her off her feet. As I was about to take my coat and shoes off I was tackled by two of Zayn's sisters.

"Tori! Its you!" Safaa exclaimed.

"Who else?" I laughed.

"You look so different!" Waliyha gasped.

"I have grown since last time I saw you. You've grown as well." I couldn't believe both of the girls were almost as tall as me.

I looked towards Mrs. Tricia and saw she had her arms open wide for me. I ran into them and couldn't help but cry I hadn't seen her ever since I left when I was seven.

"Oh, Victoria I missed you." Mrs. Tricia was the only person in my life who refused to call me Tori.  She always said it was a beautiful name I shouldn't let it go to waste.

"I missed you too, Mrs. Tricia." I wouldn't let go of her, I missed her too much she was like another mother to me.

"You do know you, you don't have to say Mrs." She laughed.

"I know but I've always called you that. It's Mrs. Tricia or mom." She frowned for a second then smiled.

"Its such a shame you lost your British accent." I laughed.

"Hmm. I guess I've been in America too long." She nodded and went into the kitchen.

Everyone else came in and they followed Zayn to the kitchen. The girls went up to their rooms, they probably as tired as everyone else. I decided to walk around the house. I went into the living area and looked at the pictures hung on the wall.

There were school pictures and family pictures but there was one that I caught my eye. It was a picture of  Zayn and me at the beach. We were smiling proudly because we had made a humongous sand castle. I had the same picture at my house next to my bed. This was our very last picture we were able to take together before I left.

"I remember that." I turned and saw Zayn standing behind me.

"Yea how could you forget it."

"You can't, duh." I laughed at Zayn.

"There's food if your hungry." Zayn offered.

"No I'm just really tired."

"Yea me too lets go." I followed Zayn upstairs to his room.

I looked around and noticed the greatest thing on his bed.

"Flurff!!!!" I exclaimed. I picked it up and squeezed it. "You still have it. Why?"

Zayn smiled down at me. "You threatened to kill me, of course I kept it." I giggled. Then Zayn stepped closer to me. "I kept it because it closest thing I had to you other than your voice, which I didn't get to hear often."

I frowned. "Zayn, I'm sorry I didn't call you as much as I should've."

Zayn wrapped me in his arms and rubbed my back.

"Its ok because your here now."

I nodded and Zayn let go of me. He went over to his closet and started throwing clothes at me.

"Seriously?" I laughed.

Zayn threw my clothes that I had from when I was six. I would sleep over a lot so I kept clothes at Zayn's house incase I needed to change.

"Zayn it doesn't look like I'd fit in these anymore." I started folding them back up again.

"Nope, it doesn't." Zayn then walked over to his dresser and handed me a pair of boxers and his gray hoodie.

I walked into his bathroom and started changing. I took off my jeans and put on the boxers. I pulled off my sweater and left my black tank top on then I put on the hoodie. I washed the makeup off my face and tied my hair up I a very sloppy bun. I walked in the room to see Zayn on his phone. I walked over to him and pulled it away from him.

"Hey! Give it back." Zayn whined.

"Nope, your gonna have to chase me for it." I smirked at Zayn.

Zayn raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Ok, I'll count to five."

I ran out of the room, Zayn's phone in hand, and I went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and I heard Zayn following close behind me. I spotted Louis and I hid behind him.

"Hide me from Zayn."

"Superman! To the rescue!" Louis exclaimed

"Tori I see you behind Louis." Zayn pointed out my horrible hiding techniques.

I ran around the counter and back up the stairs into Zayn's room. Soon after I reached the room Zayn came in after he locked the door behind him and to my disappointment he turned off the lights. I've always been terrified of the dark because it was unknown and of course Zayn used it against me.

"Zayn?" I called out.

I ran into something and they grabbed me. I squealed loudly. I backed up laughing and I fell onto the bed. Zayn climbed on top of me and started tickling me.

"Stop, stop!" I shrieked.

Zayn pried his phone out of my hands.

"Apologize." Zayn demanded.

"No." I will not give in Zayn. I will not.

I started to run out of breath and I couldn't take it any more.

"Fine! Fine! I'm sorry!" Zayn stopped tickling me.

I opened my eyes and saw Zayn above me. The moon shined on Zayn's face and it made him look beautiful. I stared deeply into Zayn's dark eyes and I felt him leaning in towards me. I started to panic, I needed to stop this.

"Wow! I'm pooped, we better go to bed." I laughed nervously.

Zayn got off of the bed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yea we better."

With Zayn walked into the bathroom. What. Just. Happened.

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