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A/n- Sorry guys if this chapter sucks, I hope it doesnt. Oh well right? ENJOOOOYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and I am writing mobile so if I mess up, I'm sorry-xoxoxoxoxox ANDE

P.s.- I forgot I would tell you all about Demon! Demon- A game that started at my friend's party. We were just going to play hide and Seek, but of course, me being who I am I decided to put a little twist onto it. I told them I made a game and I explained it. The game is where one person is picked to be the demon and the demon is a girl that died in the house and turned evil.(Vanessa is her name). a tour guide takes a group and is taking them into the basement which is not allowed but she/ he does anyways. when they get down there the light is on showing the girl singing a creepy song while they hide and then she runs around and tags one person. it is more like a game of hide and seek/ tag. It is really scary even after you watch a scary movie and it is dark.

We finished watching Insidious and I was scared out of my mind. I sat next to Zayn and somehow I ended up in his lap and my face was shoved into his chest. He was holding me and laughing.

"Ok, Tori you can let go of me now." Zayn laughed

I didn't want to let go of him. He smelled really good and he was warm, but reluctantly I got up.

"Ok now lets play!" I jumped.

We were way passed tired and super hyper.

"I want to demonstrate and be the demon first." I said, "Zayn you can be the tour guide."

I grabbed a chair and put it under a light. It was a single light around the corner of the stairs that brought you upstairs from Zayn's basement. Zayn and the rest were upstairs and I was alone down stairs in the dark.

I heard the door creak from upstairs and a deep voice talk, " Ok and here was the basement of little Vanessa"

I prepared myself for what came next. Once they were downstairs someone made the lights flicker and then the light above me turned on.

"Ring around the Rosie, pocket full of poise.." I sang creepily.

When I finished singing the light went out I started crawling quietly over to the sofa.

"Where is Tor- I mean Vanessa?" Louis I think asked.

"I don't know?" Liam said.

I jumped up and said "let's play!!!"

I tackled Louis and he screamed like a girl.

" Your turn ...Louis" I laughed.

Everyone came around and laughed at me and Louis, except for Zayn. I felt awkward so I stood up.

"Um, ok Louis, you get to be demon now." I said extending a hand for him.

He excepted my offer and shook his head. "I don't want to be the demon!!!"

He stomped and when I asked him why he said" because."

"Fine Liv you can be the demon." I said.

Zayn's pov

I can't believe Tori! She just tackled Louis just forgetting our little moment, our almost kiss. She looked up at me and I glared at her. She stood awkwardly and I sort of felt bad. Liv was the new demon and Tori was the tour guide.

We all ran upstairs and Tori started speaking.

"Ok, this is the famous house of the death, of Lil Vanessa. We will begin our tour with an exclusive look at the basement." She spoke.

We followed her downstairs and the single light turned on.

Live started singing Ring around the Rosie. We all found a hiding spot and I ended up next to Tori. She smiled at me but I looked away.

"Zayn what's wrong?" She grabbed my shoulders and turned me so I was facing her.

"Nothing Tori." I said.

"Zayn please tell me!" she whispers.

I crawled over to the table and I went under the table cloth, but she followed. Couldn't she just stay away!!

"Zayn was it because of Louis, because I swear I didn't mean any-"

I grabbed her and I pushed my lips onto hers. She gasped at my sudden action which made me smirk. She started kissing back and before I knew it I was on top of her. She gently pushed me of her.

"I didn't know you felt like that Zayn" she panted.

I looked at her and smiled. "Tori ever since I saw you at the concert I felt like this. And I am so happy to show you my feelings." I confessed

"Well, I am starting to feel like that too, so what does it make us?" She whispered.

"We can try dating, I don't think you are ready for a boy friend. But let's keep it secret." I said quietly

She nodded and we were about to get up until we heard, "you guys are up... when we find Tori and Zayn oh pray to god he'll save them." lots of footsteps went upstairs.

We got scared and I asked her if she remembered our" Hotel room" She nodded and we ran.

Our hotel room was our secret hiding spot... somehow my parents never found out. It wa kind of like a hallway to every room in the house. But there was one room that was ours.

I flipped through my key chain and Tori huffed. She pulled out a bracelet. with a key. She opened the door. I walked in and turned the light on, she closed the door, then we both stood up. I looked at her and she looked at me and we just smiled.

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