chapter 1 - Creatures of the Night

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From 4.12 "Smoke and Mirrors", in Stacie's Bardo, Stacie started to sink down into the Nemeton like quick sand.

Scott: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

From 4.12 "Smoke and Mirrors", in La Iglasia, Berserker!Scott and Berserker!Ari started to pull at the skulls over their heads with as much strength as they could. The skulls glowed as they tore the skulls apart. They were shifted, looking up, roaring.

Scott: (voice over from 3.12 Lunar Eclipse) "I'm an Alpha now."

From 4.01 "The Dark Moon", in La Iglasia, Adriana used her left fist while Ari used her right fist to punch the wall. Their fists were maybe three inches away from each other. The force of their combined strength made more than twenty inches of the wall fall out of the way, breaking into a circle.

Severo: (voice over from 4.01 The Dark Moon) "Half-Beta, half-Alpha half-breeds. The Transferring Alphas. Stronger than any wolf."

From 3.16 "Illuminated", in the loft, Adriana and Ari let their eyes glow purple. Adriana's eyes glowed completely while only the irises of Ari's glowed. They growled, spinning in a same move on either side of a figure, raising their arms to crush in on either side of his head.

Ari: (voice over from 3.16 Illuminated) "We're stronger together."

From multiple, there were flashes of Scott (red eyes), Ari (purple irises), Tara (blue eyes), Natalie (yellow eyes) and Adriana (completely purple eyes) shifting.

Liam: (voice over from 4.04 The Benefactor) "Werewolves."

From 4.04 "The Benefactor", in the basement of the lake house, Malia was shifted.

Liam: (voice over from 4.04 The Benefactor) "Werecoyote."

From 4.11 "A Promise to the Dead", in the loft, Lydia was dripping wet from rain, screaming a Banshee scream.

Liam: (voice over from 4.04 The Benefactor) "Banshee."

From 3.16 "Illuminated", in the loft at the black light party, Angel took a picture of Kira to look at her aura.

Kira: (voice over from 4.04 The Benefactor) "Kitsune."

From 4.04 "The Benefactor", in the lake house, Liam looked at Angel. "What are you?"

"Honestly, we have no clue," Angel told him.

From 3.20 "Echo House", in the basement of Eichen House, Malia and Stiles were sitting on the couch, kissing.

From 4.01 "The Dark Moon", in the club,Hunter 2, a female hunter, tried to punch Malia. Malia caught her hand, elbowing her in the face. Hunter 2 tried to shoot her. Malia caught her wrist, elbowing her in the face with enough strength to make her fall unconscious. She looked at Adriana, Natalie, Ari, Kira and Angel.

Malia: (voice over from 4.10 Monstrous) "Somethings I'm picking up fast. But other things?"

From 4.03 "Muted", in math class, Malia and Lydia stood at the board.

Malia didn't know the answer to her equation.

"Didn't you go over the notes I gave you?" Lydia asked.

"I didn't understand them," Malia admitted.

From 4.11 "A Promise to the Dead", in the loft, Scott put his and Tara's hands on a light bulb in front of them, twisting them to turn the lights on.

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