chapter 5 - A Novel Approach

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Outfits in the external link

From 5.04 "Condition Terminal", in AP Biology, Ari, Scott and Kira sat in class.

Stacie: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

"There can be multiple sets of DNA in the same individual," Mrs. Finch told them.

Ari wrote 'Chimera' underneath the arrow on her list.

Ari: (voice over from 5.04 Condition Terminal) "Chimera."

From 5.04 "Condition Terminal", in the school library, Scott, Stiles, Stacie and Ari were sitting at the table.

Adriana and Natalie stood next to them.

"It's a creature made of incongruous parts," Ari explained.

From 5.04 "Condition Terminal", in the club, Lucas looked up, letting his eyes turn completely black.

Ari: (voice over from 5.04 Condition Terminal) "Tracy's not the only one."

Kira's eyes glowed gold. She was engulfed with Kitsune aura. She ran toward Lucas, spinning around, shouting in Japanese. "Watashi wa shi no shisha da! [I am the messenger of death!]"

Kira slashed the sword toward Lucas, about to decapitate him.

Angel caught the sword before she did. "Kira!"

Kira glared at Angel. She realized what she was doing, letting the aura and the glow in her eyes fade.

From 5.04 "Condition Terminal", in the lab, Donovan was strapped to the table.

Theo stood next to him. "If you want to cause Stilinski emotional pain..."

From 5.04 "Condition Terminal", outside the school, Stacie was outside, waiting, dressed in running clothes, hot, sweaty and tired. She sighed tiredly, tilting her head back, closing her eyes, feeling the cool breeze against her skin for a moment.

Donovan walked up silently behind Stacie. He raised his hand, which seemed to have a lamprey mouth in the skin. He latched his hand onto Stacie's shoulder from behind.

Theo: (voice over from 5.04 Condition Terminal) "You go after someone he loves."

Stacie opened her eyes, seeming to be in anguishing and excruciating pain, screaming as if she was dying.


Same Night - Same Scene

Day One

Night - Beacon Hills High School - Outside

Stacie was still screaming in pain. Donovan wrapped an arm around Stacie's neck, starting to strangle her. Stacie headbutted Donovan as hard as she could to make him let go, turning to face him, punching him with one hand, over his elbow, punching him in the face with the other, making him fall to the ground and groan in pain.

Stacie ran toward the school.


Inside - Hallway

Stacie ran inside, getting to her locker, hitting it three times in the right places to make it open on its own, reaching inside to her bag, closing the locker door. She heard a ringing phone, looking around.

Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf) Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now