chapter 16 - Lie Ability

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From 5.15 "Amplification", in the loft, the pack, minus Lydia, were meeting to discuss the plan about getting Lydia out of Eichen House.

Lydia: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

Ari was standing at a laptop, typing. "There's four steps. We get into Eichen, we get into the Closed Unit, we get Lydia, get out. If we don't do this, she's going to die in there tonight. And she might take a lot of innocent people with her."

From 5.15 "Amplification", in the electrical room, Angel, Malia and Kira walked in.

Kira walked toward the electrical box. "We're in. We did it."

From 5.15 "Amplification", in Lydia's cell, Stiles and Stacie walked inside.

Lydia was lying on the bed. She already had a hole drilled into her head.

"Stiles?" Lydia asked. "Stacie? You're going to die if you stay."

From 5.15 "Amplification", outside Eichen House, Nicole was outside, buzzing the call button. "Hello, this is Nicole Martin."

Macey walked closer, down the stairs past the unconscious guard, toward the gate. "It's not a good idea to be yelling here at night, but it is a good idea to have a key card."

Macey used the key card to open the gate.

Nicole walked in in confusion. "Macey..."

Macey held her finger over her lips, walking toward the unconscious guard, taking his taser, walking up the stairs to Eichen House. Nicole followed.

The doors started to close.

"Lockdown," Macey told her.

Metal gates slammed down closed over the doors and windows.

From 5.15 "Amplification", in the hallway in the Closed Unit, Josh was holding Stacie from behind, restraining her so Tracy could paralyze her with her Kanima venom. Tracy pushed Stiles against the wall, keeping him pinned there.

Jordan was transformed, canines grown, his clawed hands gripping the gate separating Angel and Jordan from them, on fire, his eyes glowing, melting the door away, burning through the Mountain Ash, stepping into the hallway toward them.

Angel stepped through the broken doorway, looking at Theo. "You wanted a Hellhound and a Valkyrie? I think you found them."

From 5.15 "Amplification", in the hallway outside the Closed Unit, Ari looked through the corridor, pressing her hands against the Mountain Ash barrier, letting her eyes glow red, roaring an Alpha roar that echoed through Eichen House and even reached outside to where the entire pack, the Chimeras, Macey and Nicole could hear it. Tara and Malia's eyes glowed blue. Scott's eyes glowed red. Natalie and Liam's eyes glowed gold. Adriana's eyes glowed purple. Kira's eyes glowed dark gold while she was flickering with blue electricity. Angel's eyes glowed a dark, fiery gold. Jordan's eyes glowed fiery orange.

Stiles/Stacie/Lydia/Macey: (voice over from 5.15 Amplification) "Ari."

Adriana wasn't surprised in the least, though she was extremely proud of her twin sister, smiling. "Come on. We're getting Lydia out of here."


Same Night - Day One

Night - Eichen House - Closed Unit Hallway

Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf) Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now