chapter 13 - Codominance

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From 5.10 "Status Asthmaticus", in the school library, Scott was fighting with an out of control Ari under the supermoon, trying to get through to her.

Scott: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

Ari pushed Scott to the floor, straddling him, slashing into him repeatedly.

Ari: (voice over from 5.12 Damnatio Memoriae) "Where do I even start to talk to Scott? 'Sorry for killing you'?"

From 5.12 "Damnatio Memoriae", in Scott's room, Scott was lying down, shirtless so that Tara could help him bandage the wound in his chest, groaning slightly in pain. "When do you think that it'll heal?"

The wound looked deep and ragged, an almost hand-sized hole in his chest.

"Well, it came from a half-breed the night of the supermoon, under the thrall of the moon and hecatolite in her system, when she was forced to kill you and turn into an Alpha," Tara told him. 

Scott looked at Tara curiously. "You don't blame Ari, do you?"

"Of course not," Tara answered. "I can't blame Ari for something that she had no control over."

"She blames herself so much that it makes up for none of us blaming her," Scott told her. "That's why she's not coming around."

"She will," Tara told him.

From 5.11 "The Last Chimera", in the tunnels, the Dread Doctors walked toward Ari and Adriana.

Valack: (voice over from 5.11 The Last Chimera) "Dread Doctors."

From 5.10 "Status Asthmaticus", in the operating theater, the Dread Doctors were looking at the painting of the three beasts fighting. One was on fire, one had wings, and the other was the Beast.

Valack: (voice over from 5.11 The Last Chimera) "Para scientists who have prolonged their lives and twisted the laws of nature in pursuit of one goal."

From 5.11 "The Last Chimera", in the flash forward to Lydia's cell, Lydia was laying on her bed.

Valack was sitting next to her. "The creation of the perfect killer, like what they've tried to do with Theo and with Adriana. It all started with Theo and Adriana."

From 5.09 "Lies of Omission", in the Dread Doctors' lair, Theo was talking to them.

"Adriana Martin is a danger," Dread Doctor 1 told him.

"No, no, no," Theo told them worriedly, trying to talk them out of killing Adriana frantically. "Not to me."

"Adriana will compromise everything," Dread Doctor 1 told him. "Adriana will remember."

"That's why you want to kill her?" Theo asked. "She remembers everything, and she'll know too much. Whatever you did to Ari Martin, it's still happening. I need both of them alive."

From 5.12 "Damnatio Memoriae", in the morgue, Stacie, Stiles and Sheriff were talking.

"I feel like I lost something," Stacie told them.

"Then maybe you start by forgiving someone else," Sheriff told them. "Someone who probably really needs it."

Stiles nodded to himself. "Someone like Scott and Ari."

From 5.12 "Damnatio Memoriae", outside the Tate House, Tara and Malia were talking.

"I'm talking about something that I'm going to do," Malia told her. "Everyone else is not gonna like me much after I do it."

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