chapter 11 - The Last Chimera

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From 5.09 "Lies of Omission", in the school hallway, Adriana was starting to remember more about what really happened the first few years after being taken.

Natalie: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

From 5.09 "Lies of Omission", in flashback in the dark laboratory, Young Adriana was on an exam table, unable to move or speak. The Dread Doctors stood over her, working over her, experimenting on her.

Adriana: (voice over from 5.09 Lies of Omission) "The wolves aren't the ones that took me. They aren't the ones that tortured me."

From 5.09 "Lies of Omission", in the school hallway, Adriana and Malia were talking.

Adriana was in shock, breathing heavily, overwhelmed. "The Dread Doctors did. I remember now."

"What about Theo?" Malia asked.

Adriana was in shock, breathing heavily, overwhelmed. "He either forgot, like I did..."

"Or he knew all along," Malia finished. "He's with them."

From 5.08 "Ouroboros", in the McCall House, Sheriff and Melissa were looking at the dead body on the kitchen counter with Kira's sword in her chest.

"There's a dead girl," Sheriff told her.

From 5.04 "Condition Terminal", in Sinema, Kira was glowing with Kitsune aura when Angel had to stop her from killing Lucas.

Melissa: (voice over from 5.08 Ouroboros) "You know it wasn't Kira."

From 5.09 "Lies of Omission", in a classroom, Malia was researching the Desert Wolf.

The Desert Wolf: (voice over from 5.08 Ouroboros) "If my daughter's still alive..."

From 5.08 "Ouroboros", in the tunnels outside of Beacon Hills, The Desert Wolf looked at Deaton. "I'm just gonna have to kill her again."

From 5.09 "Lies of Omission", in the parking lot, Adriana, Stiles, Stacie and Angel were confronting Theo.

Theo looked at Adriana. "When you were an Alpha, and as far away from Ari as you could be, you were darker than any of us. And Ari was as pure as she could be. But when you're balanced, like you are now, then you're both in the middle. But what happens if someone knocks that off balance?"

"What did you do?" Stacie asked.

"Not what I did," Theo told them. "What the Doctors did. When they got a hold of Ari outside of Eichen all those months ago, they injected her with liquid hecatolite. She hasn't felt the full moon in months, and tonight's the supermoon."

From 5.10 "Status Asthmaticus", in the school library, Scott was fighting with an out of control Ari under the supermoon, trying to get through to her.

Theo: (voice over from 5.10 Status Asthmaticus) "It's making everything worse. How do you think she's doing right now? Trapped with Scott with no way out for either of them?"

From 5.10 "Status Asthmaticus", in the parking lot, Theo looked at Adriana. "And I'll give you a choice. Lydia is somewhere, unconscious, in the Doctors' lair. You can go save her. Or you can go save Scott from Ari." 

Angel had her back turned to Theo, leaving a message for Mason.

Theo came up behind her, injecting a needle into her neck, drawing blood, the drug on the needle starting to make her weak. "Sorry, Angel. But lore goes that the Valkyrie chooses who lives and who dies in battle."

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