chapter 12 - Damnatio Memoriae

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From 5.11 "The Last Chimera", in the tunnels, Ari and Adriana were talking.

Adriana: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"  

Ari tried to stop from becoming emotional, but after everything that was going on in that moment, she felt like she was going to break. "I killed him." Adriana looked at Ari in concern, shaking her head. "I killed Scott. I--I can feel it, Adri. I can feel it changing inside of me. I'm changing."

"I know," Adriana told her, holding Ari's arms in her hands. "What you're feeling, it's because the balance is shifting again. Which means one of is going to be really good, or one of is going to be really bad. But only if we let that happen. It doesn't have to be like that, Ari. We can stop it from being like that."

Adriana let her eyes glow completely purple. Ari let her eyes glow red.

From 5.11 "The Last Chimera", in the flash forward to Eichen House, Jordan was transformed, canines grown, his clawed hands gripping the gate separating Angel and Jordan from them, on fire, his eyes glowing, melting the door away, burning through the Mountain Ash, stepping into the hallway toward the Chimeras.

Angel: (voice over from 5.11 The Last Chimera) "You wanted a Hellhound and a Valkyrie?"

Angel let her eyes glow a fiery gold, glaring forward.

Angel: (voice over from 5.11 The Last Chimera) "I think you found them."

From 5.11 "The Last Chimera", in the flash forward to Lydia's cell, Lydia was laying in her bed with the hole drilled into her head. 

Adriana: (voice over from 5.11 The Last Chimera) "She's catatonic."

From 5.11 "The Last Chimera", in the tunnels, the Dread Doctors walked toward Ari and Adriana.

Valack: (voice over from 5.11 The Last Chimera) "Dread Doctors."

From 5.10 "Status Asthmaticus", in the operating theater, the Dread Doctors were looking at the painting of the three beasts fighting. One was on fire, one had wings, and the other was the Beast.

Valack: (voice over from 5.11 The Last Chimera) "Para scientists who have prolonged their lives and twisted the laws of nature in pursuit of one goal."

From 5.11 "The Last Chimera", in the flash forward to Lydia's cell, Lydia was laying on her bed.

Valack was sitting next to her. "The creation of the perfect killer, like what they've tried to do with Theo and with Adriana. It all started with Theo and Adriana."

From 5.10 "Status Asthmaticus", in the parking lot, Angel had her back turned to Theo, leaving a message for Mason. Theo came up behind her, injecting a needle into her neck, drawing blood, the drug on the needle starting to make her weak. 

Theo: (voice over from 5.10 Status Asthmaticus) "The Valkyrie chooses who lives and who dies in battle."

From 5.10 "Status Asthmaticus", in the Preserve at the Nemeton, Theo injected Tracy, Josh, Cory, Hayden and Chayton with Angel's blood, bringing them back to life.

Theo: (voice over from 5.10 Status Asthmaticus) "They can heal others just as easily as they can kill them. But it all starts with blood."

From 5.11 "The Last Chimera", in the Preserve at the Nemeton, Natalie, Liam and Angel were here looking for the bodies.

"Five Chimeras are missing," Liam told them.

"Hayden and Chayton are alive," Angel told them.

"So are Cory and Josh and Tracy," Natalie told them.

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