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Braelynn Juliette @brae_julie_tommo 3s

That awkward moment when you drop your phone on your face with your uncle in the same room.


I sighed as I pressed send on the tweet, my thumb just barely hovering over it, before I gently pressed down. I desperately wanted to erase 'uncle' and put 'father', cause my father was in the same room as me, and not my uncle, while my other father was out with my mother to the media.

"Is your nose okay babe?" Dad asked me. I nodded.

"Just a bit of throbbing every seconds," I said, rubbing my nose.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I brought it to look at the notification.

@Harry_Styles retweeted your tweet

"Dad!" I laughed, throwing a plushy brown pillow at my father.

All Dad did was chuckle before checking his phone.

"Your father will be home soon," he announced. I smiled and nodded, and then frowned remembering why my other dad was out.

••••• [A/N: This means flashbacks are in order]

"Lou, if they find out about this, we're done for," Harry said, gripping onto his lover's hand.

Louis shushed him gently, rubbing the small bump forming between his slender hips.

"We'll have to tell them H, I'm not gonna be able to hide it much longer," Louis argued. Harry sighed in defeat and nodded at Louis. He knew Louis was right.

Louis softly knocked twice on the door holding their management team.

They were still signed with Modest! even after five years of being controlled to the max.

"Come in!" called a deep voice.

Harry winced. "Ron's here."

Ron was he absolute worst of their team. He was very smart, very intelligent, and used his words to manipulate the boys.

He's the main reason Louis and Harry haven't been able to come out yet.

Actually, he is the reason, always convincing the other members of their team who were actually on team Larry into thinking that the thought of the coming out was incredulous.

Louis slowly opened the door, revealing the cleanest hotel room (that the lads had seen) and several nice dressed ladies and men.

"Louis, Harry, what could we possibly do for you? Besides letting you come out," Ron said, fakely smiling with a hint of a smirk.

"We've, um, come to tell you something," Harry said in the slow drawl he had.

"You aren't engaged to marry are you?!" Ron questioned loudly, the mere thought disgusting him.

Louis sighed, looking at the head member of their team, before saying, "If only it was that."

Ron looked majorly confused. "Then what is it lads?"

Harry looked at Louis before whispering in his ear, "Better to rip the tape off fast, rather than slow."

At first Louis was confused, but then it dawned on him, so he nodded and then pointed at Harry telling him to say if.

"Sit down you two," Cheyanne, the last on the scale of their team, but the one who actually got to know the boys in a friend level and she was also the only one who fully supported the two young lovers, said.

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now