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Yes, I'm afraid this is the very last update of this story. It's been my ultimate pleasure to write this story. I've loved all of the feedback I've gotten on this story. So many of you have seemed to like this story as much as I've liked writing it. I'm going to point out two people that stuck in my mind while writing this right now. I'm not pointing just them out because "they're the best" or "they always comment". They're just to two I noticed who commented on every chapter and voted on every chapter. 




And thank you to all those, who I honestly can't remember your name. 

I love you all so so so much. :*

And thank you for everything. 



-Third Person's Point of View-

After over thirty tremendous years of One Direction, the band decided to officially part ways. In their announcement, they made sure to include that they loved producing music, and were very grateful for their fans, those who have been with them since day one, and those who haven't. It was that point of time in their lives where they just wanted to take care of their families and get out of the limelight. Fans were, as to be expected, distraught at the fact of their favourite long-running band finally breaking up. Although their older fans understood, for they were in the same boat, except for the famous thing.

After a couple years of marriage, Harry and Louis were able to conceive again. This time, they had a set of twins. A boy and girl whom they named Braedyn-Joseph Stephen and Becka-Jean Marie. As of now, both twins were twelve, and Braelynn-Juliette was twenty-eight years old. Becky-Jean was a carbon copy of Harry, except having Louis' straight, feathery hair that her other older siblings were jealous of. Braedyn-Joseph was only four minutes older than her. Braedyn-Joseph on the other hand, was a direct miniature Louis, but with Harry's dimples and curls.

Braedyn-Joseph was into football. Louis was very excited to finally have a child who did sports, and a sport he knew well. Becka-Jean played volleyball for her middle school team, which excited Harry and Braelynn-Juliette because, Harry understood it, and Braeylynn-Juliette played it for most of her life. She had even gotten a scholarship for it, but declined when her, Liza, and Elexandria decided to take their music career even further.

Braelynn-Juliette, Liza, and Elexandria decided to finally sign to a record label after they all decided that's what they wanted. They all saw how much their relatives enjoyed being in a band and touring around the world, and they wanted to experience that. As to be expected, they carried on the legacy of One Direction. Somehow managing to maintain their private lives in between being in the limelight.

For Braelynn-Juliette, she and Jack ended up getting married after being together for six years. They had four children; three girls and one boy. All of their children were named after family. Anne Louise was eight years older than her younger brother Nicholas Edward. Nicholas was three years older than Johanna Marie. Johanna was a year and a half older than the youngest child in the family, Rosaline Andrea. All of their kids definitely got each of their parent's genes. They all had curly, dark brown hair, dimples and hazel eyes.

Liza and Rebecca stayed together and eventually married, shortly after, adopting a little two year old boy from an orphanage in America.

Elexandria had realised shortly after high school ended, that she was asexual and didn't feel any romantic feelings towards any gender. After about seven years of 'Belle', the French word for beauty, and also the name Liza, Braelynn-Juliette and herself came up with for their group, using the first letters of their first name and using that to build a word, Elexandria decided to get inseminated. She had a little girl she named Suzie Lee-Anne Styles. Elexandria had her name legally changed to Styles after her mother and father divorced.

Gemma had found out Matthew's business trips consisted of another woman. She found out when Matthew had told her he had contracted a STD, but she didn't have one. That's when Matthew accused her of cheating, he was drunk mind you, and said she gave him the disease. Gemma, in offence, had yelled at him, asking how dare he accuse her of such a thing. That's when he did something to her no one ever expected him to do. He hit her. Gemma did the first thing that came to mind, and that was packing her stuff and hightailing herself right over to her younger brother's house, who took her in with open arms, and filled out a police report for her for domestic abuse.

That's why Elexandria didn't want her father's last name. Sadly she shared fifty percent of her DNA with him, but if she could change that, she definitely would.

Niall eventually had another baby with Amy, naming their second set of twins, this time both male, James William and Liam Edward, after his bandmates.

At eighty-nine years old, Liam passed away with heart failure. No one had seen it coming, for he had shown no signs. Sophia, his wife, passed away at ninety-four, suffering from a heart attack.

At ninety-two years old, Niall passed away. Although his drinking days had long been over, Niall had suffered with liver failure for about ten years. His wife, Amy, passed away fifteen years prior, being killed in a car accident.

At ninety-five years old, Louis passed away peacefully in his sleep, being the only one in the band to pass away in such a way. At ninety-three years old, five hours after Louis, Harry suffered a heart attack, that killed him almost instantly. It was said he felt little pain. Harry and Louis were buried together.

Overall, the lives of the members of One Direction were good. They went through many hard times, but they always overcame them.

And none of them could have been happier with how their lives turned out. 

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