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Now now now.

I don't know.

Enjoy. :*



-Harry's Point of View-

I ended up getting home before Louis and Braelynn because my driver knew shortcuts that didn't really ever have any traffic. But Braelynn had texted me and told me that they were just a few blocks away from the house.

I sighed and looked at the family pictures hanging above the mantel of our fireplace.

I smiled as I saw pictures from our far past, and pictures from the recent past. There were pictures of me and Louis before we left X-Factor. Pictures of us hugging, cuddling, kissing, and wrestling. Pictures that the boys must've snuck when we weren't watching.

Then there were pictures of us on tour. Late night bunk cuddles, couch hugs, floor kisses. It all made me smile happily.

I looked further and saw pictures of Louis, glowing and about five months pregnant with our darling daughter. Louis rarely ever had sad mood swings when he was pregnant. He was always happy and smiling. He radiated beauty and happiness and I always happily took pictures showing that.

Later in the pictures came ones of him being nine months pregnant to after having Braelynn in the hospital.

I remember Louis' attitude about the pictures. He didn't care if he looked a wreck, he just wanted pictures taken with his newborn baby girl, ecstatic to show her to the world.

I glanced at the end and saw one simple picture of my baby girl, standing five foot ten, and towering over her best friend Liza and Gemma's daughter Elexandria. Braelynn-Juliette grew to be a beautiful girl, taking a perfect mix of me and Louis, along with other noticable family traits.

I'm sad to see her grow up, but the more she does, the more she makes me proud. And I love her for that. She can't help getting older, the same that I can't and Louis can't. Neverland just isn't a reality we can be apart of sadly.

I heard the front door open, but paid no mind to it knowing that is was Louis and Braelynn.

"Harold!" Louis called. I ignored him because I heard him enter the living room, and I just kept looking at the pictures, over, and over, and over.

I felt Louis rest his head on my shoulder and press a kiss to my cheek, finding where my gaze was locked on to.

"Hm, she's grown up so much," he said sadly. I knew he wanted more children, but with Ron in the way, there was no way we could have another baby. He had warned us not to have another one.

He pissed me off so bad because he had made Louis cry. All Louis has wanted was a large family, and he can't have that because of Ron. I couldn't give Louis everything, but if I wanted to give him something, I would give him the ability to nudge Ron out of the picture, so we could go upon our merry way and have more children, and almost more importantly, get married.

I've waited so long to marry him. It's all I've ever wanted. To be able to have that label over him. I know love isn't about labels, but when you're the number one boyband across the world, with women, and men sometimes, throwing themselves all over you, then labels are the only thing you've got basically. But, I want to call Louis my husband. I've had to call him fiance for so long, and I want to change that, so so badly.

I suddenly remembered that Louis had said something to me and turned my head slightly so I could see him. I sighed and nodded, "Yes she has. I miss her being little. A tiny baby, barely a foot and a half, now look at her."

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now