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Hi loves, how're you all? 

Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been busy and lazy. 

Hope you enjoy! This one is a bit shorter than normal. More of a filler than anything. Next chapter should definitely be longer, however. 



-Louis' Point of View-

I was laying on the couch, late at night, pondering on the past events with tears falling down my cheeks. I miss them both so much; my fiance and my daughter. They haven't even been gone for a whole day yet, but it still hurts. I don't want this to be the end of our relationship. We've come through so much, come so far. I don't want to believe there's even a remote possibility of our relationship being over. Harry's never reacted this badly to an argument before. It was the stupidest argument we've ever had; logically. Everything that was said shouldn't even had become an argument. None of it made sense. I just don't understand why he took Braelynn with him.

Not only had I only miscarried a child, lost my baby boy whom I was beyond excited about, I had a chance of losing my daughter too. I cried harder before I calmed down. I wouldn't lose Braelynn. If there was a custody battle, I would get her. The 'mum' always gets the children. It didn't soften the hurt from losing my baby though.

I pulled out my phone and opened Twitter, checking to see if either Harry or Braelynn updated something. Neither had. But I knew they were safe at Anne's house. She would make sure they were fed, were clothed, and warm. She would protect them.

I opened a new tweet and typed, 'i smell a breakup', before sending the tweet. I don't know why but suddenly I felt pissed off. Pissed off at Harry for leaving. Pissed off at Braelynn for willingly going with him. Pissed off at myself. Pissed off at Ron. Pissed off at the situation we all were in.

I threw my phone against the wall and listened as a loud crackling and popping sound came from it as the glass broke and it fell to the floor. I didn't care that my phone was broke. I'm a multimillionaire for christ's sake! I could just buy a new one with my pocket change.

I cursed, however, at the fact that now I would have to go to the store and deal with people who aren't concerned with their job, but more concerned on taking pictures of me.

I got up from the couch and walked to mine and Harry's room, grabbing his blanket off of the bed. We were both major blanket hogs, so we couldn't share a blanket without one of us stealing it from the other.

Then I go to Braelynn's room and stand by the doorframe, admiring the way her room seems to just scream her name. Her walls are a soft purple color; lilac, she has a waterbed bed frame that's painted black, a black nightstand next to it with a vase filled with artificially made blue carnations that are covered in silver glitter. Her bed spread had basically every color on it, and it was, I think I mandala pattern. But I'm not sure. She had a black area rug on the floor right next to her bed. On the other side of the room she had a glass desk that had a teal nightstand, and a green trashcan next to it, and a white cushioned chair. On another wall, near her window, she has a black nightstand, her tv hanging on the wall above it. It was beautiful, especially how she decorated it.

I grabbed one of her extra pillows and then made my way to the guest room, where I laid down with both items and fell asleep.


When I wake up, the house is still as silent as it was before I fell asleep. Meaning Harry and Braelynn-Juliette still weren't home.

I sighed and threw the covers off of myself and walked down the stairs to the kitchen and grabbed the kettle, putting water in it and placing it on the stove. While it was heating up, I prepared my cup by placing a tea bag in it.

A few seconds after I finished making my tea, a knock rang out on the door. I went and opened it, seeing Niall standing there, and inviting him in. We walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

"What is going on Louis? What did you mean by that tweet?" Niall asked bluntly. "I've been texting you for ages and you've never answered me."

"Um," Louis began, propping his feet under himself. "Harry and I got into a bad, but honestly really stupid, argument last night, he walked out and took Braelynn-Juliette with him. And I threw my phone against a wall."

"Oh, Lou," Niall sighed, ignoring the part about my phone.

"I've been distant with him and Braelynn since we lost the baby, and I guess when I declined a cuddle with Brae, it pissed Harry off and he confronted me for it. Yelling at me for pushing everyone away and calling me selfish for not realizing they're suffering because I'm too busy being away from them to realize it doesn't only affect me," I explained, just not fully. Niall's eyes furrowed.

"I'm not picking sides, but I agree with Harry's point. If Amy did something like that to me, it'd upset me like that too," Niall responded. I nodded in agreement.

"I've just felt so confused and hurt, and curious and just, so, so upset," I choked out. "I always wonder what he'd look like. Would he have my eyes or Harry's? Dimples or not? Harry's lips or mine? Curly or straight hair? What color hair would he have? Would he be a well behaved baby? Or a crier? Would he be comedic? How old would he be when he first crawled, walked? How could someone be so cruel? To kill a baby who's innocent in the entire situation. Someone who never did a thing but exist? I know it wasn't my fault that I miscarried, but I can't help but feel worthless. Like I'm not good enough, even to carry a baby."

Niall had tears in his eyes as I finished and he reached over to hug me, being mindful of my tea mug. He said, "I don't know buddy. I know it hurts, but Harry is hurting about it too. If you want to keep your relationship with him then you need to help him heal as well. If you don't want to break up, then you've got to pull your act together. I've got to leave now, just came by to check up on you. Love you Louis."

"Love you too, mate," I whispered, letting him show himself out.

I sat there and pondered what Niall said for a while. I decided that as soon as Harry got home, I would apologize and explain my reasonings for how I've been with them. If Harry didn't want to accept it, then so be it.

If we ended up separating, it would feel like the end of the world, but if it would be what Harry wants, then so be it. I would never want Harry to stay with me if it'd make him unhappy. 

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