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So many of you were begging me not to do this, but I had to. I didn't want to. This was apart of my story plans. If I changed it, then the rest of the story would be changed and it to. I'm so very sorry I've upset you. Even the friends I told, who don't read this story or even remotely care about larry, were like "don't do that, you can't do that". I had to.

I want to tell you to enjoy, but this might make you cry.



-Third Person's Point of View-

They rushed the seemingly young lad into the hospital, doctors rushing up and yelling out orders and checking his vitals and such as they ran him to the operation rooms.

An older lady was standing by the nurse's desk when she saw the gurney and doctors rush by, seeing the brown hair flash by. She knew that hair.

The woman ran to meet up with the stretcher, looking at the man lying on the bed, and asked a doctor, "What's going on?"

The doctor merely looked at her before saying, "Jay go, there's too many nurses."

Jay kept following anyways, all of the way into the emergency delivery/operation room. They again tried to stop her from going in.

"He's my son, please," Jay asked shrilly. The doctor's eyes widened and he nodded, motioning for another nurse to leave, allowing room for Jay. "Thank you."

"We've got to get this baby out, it's chances of being alive are already low," the doctor said. "Prepare for a cesarean section now!" That's when Jay noticed the mass amounts of blood surrounding her son's lower area and covering the gurney. They had transferred the lad to the operation table.

"I'll change him," Jay offered, reaching for the gown the doctor grabbed, before speedily changing her son into the fabric. The doctor, anesthesiologist, and other nurses, worked to get him ready for surgery, numbing him, put monitors on him, etcetera. Jay was scared for her son. She knew what was happening, and saw this kind of thing far too often, and it was always so sad, especially because this was her grandson being miscarried right now.

"I'm starting the incision," The doctor said, pressing the scalpel into the the hard skin. Jay had to look away when she saw the blood starting to drip. She normally could handle this type of stuff, but since it's Louis, it's hard. This is her baby boy being cut into. Her baby boy who is miscarrying and losing his baby boy.


The lads of One Direction rushed into the hospital, unaware and scared. Their bodyguard forced them to go wait in the waiting room and told them he'd go find out, since they all were too shaken up from what was happening.

Harry sat down in the chair and almost immediately began crying into his hands. It wasn't an uncontrollable sob, but a silent cry, with tears falling every now and then as he thought about the whole situation. It scared him. What was happening to Louis? To their baby boy?

"Lads," Sean, their bodyguard called. They all looked up from their places in the hard and uncomfortable plastic chairs of the waiting room. "They've rushed him into surgery to do a emergency c-section. That's all they know for now."

C-section. A phrase used to explain a procedure to deliver children into the world where the mother or father couldn't deliver them naturally. It's typically a happy thing. Now all Harry thinks it about is that it's a depressing word. His love was in there having a miscarriage with their baby who's only six months into growing. Harry wanted to be optimistic about the situation but he couldn't. He was terrified and only thinking of the things that could go wrong.

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now