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Hi everybody! Sorry for not updating for awhile. Um, this chapter has quite a bit of song lyrics towards the end, so if that bothers you, i apologize. 

I hope you all have a lovely day/evening/moring/etc!

enjoy :*



-Harry's Point of View-

Today my niece Elexandria and Liza, my non-blood daughter, were coming over for a session with Braelynn. Braelynn-Juliette and Liza sing together, while Elexandria did the "managing" and song-writing edits and video edits for their YouTube channel, which has quite a bit of subscribers considering who we are and who she is.

On a complete opposite note, Louis' doing good, although still tender with the subject of the pregnancy. We have an appointment in about a week to check up on him, find out the due date, if the baby is healthy, etc.

"Haz, can you make me an omelet?" Louis asked, looking up at me from where his head was on my chest. We were still in bed, debating whether or not we wanted to get up. I say no, but my pregnant fiance says yes apparently. I groaned as I slipped out from underneath him and stood up, pulling on a pair of sweats. Me nor Louis really ever wore shirts because it's our daughter, if it were someone we weren't in relation to at all we'd be wearing a shirt. Besides, Braelynn doesn't mind. In fact, one time I had asked her if she minded when Louis and I went without a shirt and she told me, "As long as you don't mind if I don't wear a bra sometimes."

Of course it wasn't a bother for either of us, one being, she's our daughter and it would be absolutely disgusting to ogle her, and two, me and Louis are both gay. So, that female mammary gland isn't our cup of tea, so to speak.

"Yeah I guess. All these years of being together and you can't make your own eggs?" I complained, grabbing his hands to pull him up with me. If he thinks I'm going by myself, he's insane.

"I can," Louis insisted. "I just don't want to." I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs, heading into the kitchen, to see my daughter standing there, making omelets.

"Hm, guess I don't have to cook," I said. Braelynn looked at me and then motioned to her eggs.

"This here mister is for me, Liza and Elexandria, who somehow managed to get into the house an hour ago and chill in the living room, only for me to get up and them to demand me to make them omelets. So, you still have to cook," Braelynn sassed.

"Okay okay, truce," I laughed. She nodded and finished up her omelet and then moved out of the way so I could get to the stove to cook mine and Louis' omelets.

"Do we have syrup?" Braelynn asked. I scrunched my nose and reached into the cabinet above the stove and handed my odd daughter the syrup. Syrup on her eggs is something she's been doing since she was young. I personally find the brown, sticky sauce way too overly sweet and disgusting, but whatever floats her boat I guess. "Thanks."

I nodded at her and continued to cook the eggs, until I had to perfectly cooked omelets.

"Lou!" I called, turning around to see Louis already standing there. "Oh!"

"Omelets?" Louis asked expectantly. Such like a child. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek as I handed him his plate. "Thanks babe."

"You're welcome love," I told him. Louis smiled and beckoned me to follow him. "Are we eating in the living room this morning?"

"No, I'm taking you to the basement," Louis said sarcastically.

"We don't even have a basement, and if we did why would the door be in the living room?"

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