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This chapter is shorter than the rest at this point just by a bit. But I literally couldn't figure out how to continue this chapter, so it's whatever.

Any of you getting or have already Joey's book 'Children of Eden'? I got mine yesterday.



-Louis' Point of View-

"I'm pregnant, okay."

I stood there with tears in my eyes. I didn't really want to tell him, but he needed to know. It's his baby too. I've ruined everything for him. That's why I didn't want him to know.

Because of me we're gonna be kicked out of the band. I'm going to disappoint everyone. I brought my hands up to my face and covered my eyes as the tears started to fall.

I heard something be placed on the cabinet before I felt arms wrap around me, and a head falling on top of mine.

"Oh baby," Harry cooed. I could tell he was happy but I didn't understand why. I pushed away from his hold and looked up at him. As I thought, he was smiling.

"Why are you happy?" I asked, brows furrowing. Harry frowned when I asked this.

"Why wouldn't I be happy? Lou, you're having our baby," he responded.

"Harry, I've ruined everything. Ron warned us not to have another baby. He threatened to end the band if we ever did! This is mainly why I didn't want to tell you," I told him.

"Lou, it doesn't matter," Harry tried to soothe.

"That's what you don't get Harry! It does! It does matter! Because of me the band is going to be over! I'm going to disappoint our fans! Our families! The other boys! I'm gonna disappoint Braelynn! That's the last thing I ever want to do! Harry do you not realize that because of ME we're done, and I'm dead serious! I can't believe this, I've ruined everything," I sobbed, falling to my knees after practically yelling at Harry. I sat back onto my bum and brought my arms to wrap around my knees. I buried my head in them and sobbed.

"Louis, we both did the deed, therefore it's not because of you," Harry told me.

"I'm the one who can get pregnant," I cried.

I heard Harry sigh before he sat down beside me and wrapped himself around my body, holding me.

"Baby, the band has to end at some point," Harry tried to soothe.

"I know this Harry, but it's quite obvious that the others, and you, and me, want to continue with it! I want to be happy about this baby, I really do, but I can't," I told him through tears. I sniffed loudly.

"Well, how about this," Harry started. "We'll keep it on the down low, only us, our mums, and the other two get to know. Then, we can talk to Niall and Liam and see how they would feel about what might happen if Ron gets his way and rips up the band's contract."

"Harry," I just whispered, my cries softening.

"Love, if this is what we have to do to be happy, isn't worth the risk of everyone's feelings?" Harry asked. "Lou, we've been suffering for almost twenty years now. Isn't it high time we end that suffering?"

"I know Harry, but I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings," I told him.

"Love think about it. We finally get to come out, announce Braelynn is our daughter and that we've been engaged for ten years. We can get married Louis," Harry was still trying to sway me. I didn't say anything in return. "Lou, our little Larry shippers? How happy do you think it'd make them?"

"Harry, I'm done talking about this," I said quietly, standing up and walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

Braelynn was in there probably finishing on breakfast and when she heard me she looked up.

"Papa?" She gasped. "What's wrong?"

I just shook my head and walked over to her and hugged her, burying my face into her neck and started crying again.

"Papa," Braelynn whispered, rubbing my back. I shook my head again and she didn't press the matter thankfully. I heard another person, probably Harry (hopefully), enter the kitchen and then another set of arms wrapped around me.

Harry rested his head on mine and pressed a kiss to it.

"I'm telling you love, everything may in the end turn out better than you think. There may be a couple of feelings hurt, but sometimes that has to happen in order for everything to get better," Harry whispered. I sighed and nodded, stepping away.

"I'm done crying about it. How about some breakfast," I asked, pulling out of the family hug and wiping my eyes with a small smile.

Braelynn, although confused, nodded and pointed towards the table, saying, "I already made plates and put them on the table."

"Thank you," Harry said to her. She just nodded at him in reply and sat down, watching carefully as Harry led me to the table with a hand on the small of my back. I sat down beside him and next to Braelynn, in the middle of the two.

I took a careful bite, as my stomach was still sensitive, and nearly moaned at the good flavor.

"It's delicious," I told my teenage daughter. She smiled at me and said, "Thank you."

I smiled at her and looked over at Harry, frowning. He hadn't touched his food.

"Haz, are you going to eat?" I asked him. Harry looked over at me with a flat-lined mouth.

He leaned over to my ear and whispered, "When are we telling Braelynn?"

I shrugged and said in a normal voice, "We can now, it's not like we can do anything to change it."

Harry just looked at me weirdly, "What's suddenly changed your mind?"

"Sudden epiphany I guess," I frowned. The only way to change that would be abortion, and I'm not killing a person who hasn't had a chance in life yet. It's unfair.

"I'm so confused. Parents? Why do we have them," Braelynn-Juliette groaned and then slouched in her seat, her hair falling to cover her face.

"Basically darling, what's going on, is I'm pregnant," I told her bluntly. Braelynn dropped her fork on her plate and her mouth hung open.

"Really?" she asked, almost squealing. I nodded slowly at her, and gauged her reaction. "Congrats!"

"Thanks love," I said to her with a smile and stood to walk over closer to her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, but giving Harry a sad smile, knowing he knew the reason why when he smiled sadly in return.

If she only knew what trouble this baby could cause. How much can go wrong. Braelynn would feel differently. About the whole situation, but mostly about me. I don't want to disappoint my daughter, but it seemed as it was going to happen.


I know it doesn't actually seem like Louis being pregnant is going to do something terrible, but, Ron.

I can't say too much without giving anything away honestly.

I hope you enjoyed. :*


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