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Hi guys!! How have you all been? Yes, I've updated quickly since last time. 

That's not a problem right? 

This chapter is 1100 more words than the last one, so, yay. 

Anyways, I love you all (:*) and hope you all enjoy. 

Until next time :)



-Third Person's Point of View-

It's been two months since Harry and Louis lost their baby. Two months since their ex-jackass of a boss drugged Louis with a miscarriage causing drug, causing them to lose the baby for that reason.

Right now the lads found themselves in bed, sleeping peacefully in their bed. Harry was curled around Louis, spooning him, with Louis pulled tightly to his body.

Louis was the first to wake, when the clash of pans sounded from the kitchen. He blinked his eyes to get used to the blinding light streaming in from the windows. He turned around in Harry's hold, to face his fiancé, and began kissing up his neck, along his jaw and his cheek. He was trying to wake him up but didn't succeed.

Louis huffed at the realisation that Harry was in a deep sleep and knew it would be harder to wake him up.

"Haz," Louis sang, smirking as he thought of something. Louis blew a raspberry into Harry's neck, chuckling when Harry shot away from him in a fit of giggles. "Wake up babe."

Harry opened his eyes just a bit before shaking his head and rolling over. He groaned at the light and shoved a pillow over his face.

"Haz, we get to go out together today with Braelynn. Get up and shower," Louis said, leaning over and kissing Harry's cheek.

"Yeah, yeah," Harry mumbled, throwing the covers off and standing up. "You wanna join me?"

Louis nodded and said, "Let me check on Braelynn and then I'll be in."

Harry nodded and kissed Louis' lips before walking off into the direction of their shared bathroom.

Louis walked out of the room and into the kitchen, seeing Braelynn sitting at the island, eating breakfast.

Braelynn was already showered and dressed for the day, wearing a floral spaghetti strapped crop top, high waisted light blue jeans, tan booties, and her normally curly hair was straightened and half of it was pulled back and up in a bun. She also had minimal makeup on; only mascara, winged eyeliner, and filled in eyebrows.

"You look cute," Louis noted.

Braelynn smiled widely at him, dimples popping, and she told him, "Thanks Papa."

Louis smiled back at her, "You're welcome, my love."

Braelynn swallowed a large bite of her egg sandwich, and took a swig of her orange juice before asking, "When are we leaving?"

"We're gonna shower and get dressed and then we'll go," Louis told her. "I just wanted to check up on you beforehand."

"Well I'm fine smelly, go shower," Braelynn smirked. Louis glared at her teasingly but said nothing as he went to shower.


About a hour later, they were all ready to go out. Today was the first day the they could begin, what everyone likes to call "Larry Coming Out Plan", and Braelynn-Juliette, Harry and Louis were all going shopping together. For the first time with just them.

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now