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I hope this is alright. This chapter I'm mostly focusing on getting the right character developments.

Thank you all of those who read this.



-Louis' Point of View-

I am really getting sick and tired of management pissing on my daughter.

She hasn't done a damn thing wrong and if that asshat Ron does not stop blaming her for shit, he's going to get an ass whooping.

I was seething on our ride back and all it took was one precious smile from my darling fiancé, for me to calm down.

Yeah, fiancé. We've been engaged going on ten years now.

Because Ron won't fucking let us get married. It's not his damn decision.

We have our whole entire wedding planned, from the smallest details to the larger ones.

We know exactly what flowers we want, who we want there, what we want on the tables, what songs we want, our colors, groomsmaids (bridesmaids for the grooms), groomsmen, who's gonna walk who down the aisle, and so on and so on.

Me and Harry were ultimately disappointed when we told Ron that we were engaged and he told us, word for word, "You will not get married unless the band quits!"

So of course we both agreed to stay engaged for awhile, not planning on the band running as long as it has.

I just wanted to marry the love of my life, was that too much to ask for?

And now we have a fifteen year old daughter, with a beard still in the way.

At first management tried to get us to hide her.

I may hide mine and Harry's relationship, but I sure as hell won't hide our daughter.

So that's where Briana Jungwirth came into play.

She's been playing the "mum" figure in Braelynn's life. Briana isn't necessarily a bad person, but she can be a bit too greedy at times.

A little bit later and me and Harry cuddled our sleeping daughter, who was worn out from crying earlier.

Harry sighed deeply rubbing his hands down his face before leaving them there.

"What's wrong love?" I asked.

Harry sniffed before answering, "I'm so fucking tired of management. Ron continually and continually calls us names, won't let us marry, won't let us come out, and worst of all, he keeps calling our daughter names."

I stood up and carefully moved Braelynn over before sitting next to Harry, leaning into his side, and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I know baby, I'm tired of it too, but the only thing we can do it quit with the band," I told him softly. Harry removed his hands from his face revealing a stream of tears and I cooed softly, bringing my hands up to his face and wiping his tears away with my thumbs.

"We can't do that to the boys," Harry said.

"Baby, they've told us if it gets too much, they'll be okay with ending the band so we can finally be free," I commented. "And besides, Niall has his golfing career and Liam still is doing solo albums as a side career."

"I know that Lou, but I just don't think I can ask that of them," Harry says, closing his eyes.

I kissed his cheek, understanding what he means, before I whisper, "I agree love, but what if it's the only thing we can do in order for us to be happy; to be free?"

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now