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Hello everyone, how're you?

I don't really have much to say. Besides, this is a longer chapter. 

So, enjoy :*



-Louis' Point of View-

"Harry," I said, pulling my fiancé to the side.

"What love?" he asked, slightly irritated. I had just interrupted his phone calls.

"I want to tell our family and friends, about, you know," I told him quietly, placing a gentle hand on my hard stomach.

"I thought you said we'd keep it to ourselves for a while," Harry replied back, confused, and with one eyebrow quirked up.

"I changed my mind. I think our family needs to know. I do, however, want to hold off on telling management," I explained.

"If you want babe," Harry agreed. "Now, can I finish my calls?"

"Kiss me first," I pleaded, humming when he pecked my lips.

"I only have your mum to call and my sister," Harry told me before he walked away.

I strolled into the living room where my daughter, niece, and adoptive daughter were sat, editing their video.

"What's up girls?" I asked, taking a seat beside Braelynn-Juliette.

"Just finishing some editing before we leave, just so we have a head start," Braelynn explained. I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder, like she was the parent and I the child. "Papa, what are you doing?"

"Am I not allowed to cuddle my daughter anymore?" I asked defensively. Braelynn rolled her eyes and just accepted the fact I wasn't going to move.

"Babe!" Harry called. I groaned and stood up, losing my balance and falling back onto the couch.

"Oomph," Braelynn let out as I fell somewhat on her.

"Sorry love," I apologized, standing back up, this time, making sure I had balance.

"You're alright," she laughed. "Just knocked the wind out of me." I nodded at her in understanding and then made my way into the kitchen, where Harry was sat on the kitchen counter.

"What?" I questioned, going to stand in between his legs.

"Everyone says going to Nando's at five would be good, and I called the restaurant and told them. We have thirty-five seats prepared, which is more than we need," Harry notified. I nodded in understanding. Harry smiled at me softly and brushed some of my hair away from my face and tucked it carefully behind my ear. His hand trailed along my cheekbone, and rested there, rubbing a tender thumb against it. I smiled in slight bliss, and closed my eyes, tilting my head into the touch. "Beautiful."

I stood on my toes and went to kiss him, our lips meeting in the middle.

"Can you guys not?" I heard Braelynn yell. Smugly, I took Harry's hand and drug him off of the counter and into our room, where I proceeded to shut the door. I hadn't actually planned to do anything with him, I just wanted a reaction out of Braelynn. I heard her groan loudly and then complain to Liza or Elexandria.

Harry gently pressed me against the wall and kissed me again, this time harder. He asked against my lips, "What time is it?"

I quickly checked the time and replied, "Just passed three."

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now