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Hi guys! This is a bit of a longer chapter I think. I don't know. I didn't check the word count. (I checked, it's not really a long chapter.) 

I hope you guys enjoy it! I've got the next three-four chapters planned out right now. 

Enjoy :*



-Louis' Point of View-

Today I woke up, and I didn't have to throw up. It felt great. I hate waking up every morning and having to rush into the bathroom, and puking up everything I've ever eaten. It sucks, and gives me a headache. But, it's all apart of pregnancy, so I guess I can survive. I get a baby out of all of it, so, I can't really complain.

Harry shifted on the bed next to me, before rolling over to where he faced me. His eyes were still closed but I knew he was awake. Harry let out a deep breath before opening his eyes.

"Morning babe," Harry told me, his voice hoarse and deeper from sleep. I patted his face and returned the greeting, kissing his lips quickly. Harry laid on his back and wrapped his arm around me and pulls me closer to him, with the help of me scooting over. I was laying on my back as well, but I turned onto my side, so my hard stomach pressed against Harry's side, and wrapped my leg overtop of Harry's, along with an arm across him.

"I don't want to get up," I groaned. Harry chuckled before scooting slightly closer and stiffening. "What?"

"I think you've got a bump. Lay on your back," Harry instructed. I did as he said and let him do whatever he was doing.

Harry lifted my shirt up and scooted down on the bed to where his head was right by my stomach. He turned his head to face my belly, and rested his head on the bed. Harry smiled and reached up with his long arms to grab his phone off of the table. I heard the camera shutter go off after he messed about with the technology for a bit.

Harry sat up and crawled on his knees back to the top of the bed, sitting on his bum and resting against the headboard of the bed. He showed me the picture and I could see a bump forming. I smiled up at him and placed a hand on my, now formed, bump, loving the feeling of the warm, hard skin.

"Makes it a bit more real, doesn't it?" Harry said to me, I nodded and he leaned to down to press his lips to mine, instigating a slow, heartfelt, kiss. He slowly licked my bottom lip, and I allowed him the entrance of his tongue into my mouth. I moaned softly as his tongue brushed against mine.

We kissed like that for a few more minutes before my stomach grumbled, causing me to laugh slightly. We pulled apart with a last peck of the lips, and suddenly, our bedroom door opened. In walked our beautiful daughter, Braelynn-Juliette.

"Hi love, what do you want?" I asked her. She ignored me and walked over to mine and Harry's king size bed and laid down beside me, curling up halfway into a ball, pressing her face into my arm. She was groaning and clutching her stomach.

"Brae-Julie, what's wrong?" Harry asked her, reaching over me to carefully push her long, thick curly hair out of her face.

"You wouldn't know," Braelynn pouted. "You're a male."

"Awe babe," I cooed. "Haven't you taken any pain relievers?"

"I'm out of my strong ones," She told me.

"Haz, can you get that bottle of high strength pain relievers I just bought out of the bathroom?" I asked my fiance, who nodded and got up. "Are you wanting to go with me and Dad for my appointment later?"

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now