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-Harry's Point of View-

"HARRY STYLES WAKE UP!" I heard my somewhat annoying twat of a fiancé scream in my ear.

"What?" I groaned.

"We just fucking won eight vmas," Louis told me. I say up quickly, staring at him in shock.

"You have got to be shitting me," I said, Louis shook his head.

"I'm not, I swear," he promised. I sat back against our headboard.

"Oh my god," I whispered quietly. "Eight?"

"Yeah, the show is in a week and we're all going," Louis informed me. "Now up, the lads are supposed to be here soon."

I groaned and just rolled over, throwing the blanket over my head and closing my eyes.

"Ugh Harold," Louis said, laying on top of me like a starfish.

"What are you doing?" I asked slowly when Louis started moving around.

"Trying to wake you up," Louis said.

"Get off of me you oaf," I grumbled, trying to push him off.

"Does that mean you're up?"

"Yes Louis," I replied.

"Good," Louis told me, before he finally got off. "Now, make us breakfast."

"Get Braelynn too, I'm not in the mood to cook."

"Okay," Louis agreed, shrugging his shoulders before leaving the room.

I groaned as I stood, my arm aching from where I was laying on it.

"Make Dad cook!" I heard my daughter yell from down the hallway.

"He told me to make you cook!" Louis yelled back.

"Ugh fine, only because if neither of us cook, you're gonna cook and that'll kill us all," Braelynne agreed, finally heading downstairs.

I smiled and shook my head and walked to mine and Louis' bathroom before taking a shower.

When I was done and dressed, I headed downstairs and met with my family downstairs.

When I walked into the kitchen, I nearly walked out again.

I just stood against the doorframe with my arms crossed and a stern look as I watched the scene in front of me.

Louis and Braelynn were having a pancake batter fight, both of them covered in the gooey mess. There was batter everywhere and there were eggs and water and flour and and chocolate chips stuck to everything.

"I believe this is not how pancakes are made Braelynn-Juliet," I commented. She looked at me in shock. One, because she didn't know I was there and two, I used her full first name.

"Uh, it was Papa," she tried to accuse Louis.

"I know he had some part of it," I started. "That's why you're both cleaning it up while I go upstairs and nap."

"Are you feeling alright babe?" Louis asked, walking over to me. "You're not usually this tired."

"I feel a tad under the weather, but I'm fine." Louis looked at me with uncertainty before nodding and walking over to me.

"You go up and nap, like you said you were, take some medicine, and me and Brae-Julie will clean this up, alright?" Louis ordered me softly. I nodded slowly before leaning down to kiss him.

We pulled away after a minute and I nodded at them with a stern look before turning and walking up the stairs. I stopped in the guest bathroom to take a couple Tylenols on the way and then to my room.

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now