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I love you all so much and i'm so grateful you put up with my lack of updates :*



-Third Person's Point of View-

Currently, it was midday and the Styles/Tomlinson family found themselves in Harry's Range Rover, heading to Louis' mum's house.

She had invited everyone, meaning everyone within the band plus their families and their parents, to her home, to feast on a meal.

Space wasn't an issue. Jay had a humongous home with an even bigger backyard, courtesy of Louis, and some of her other children.

Besides, Jay loved big get-togethers. She loved seeing everyone come together and have a great time. She loved the numerous amounts of laughs she would here and the smiles she would see. Mostly Jay loved the way her heart would swell with happiness when she had her family around.

When Harry, Louis, and Braelynn-Juliette found themselves at Jay's house, they also found that, Anne and Robin, Gemma and her family, all of Jay's kids and their families if they have any, Niall's family, Niall's parents and brother's family, Liam's family, Liam's parents and his sisters' families, were there. In total, there were around sixty people gathered at the Deakin household.

When Jay allowed Harry, Louis and Braelynn-Juliette to enter her house, she hugged them all at the same time and called out, "my favorites are here!"

Everyone around them laughed, knowing Jay only say that in spite of her other children.

"Mum quit lying, you know I'm your favorite," Lottie said.

"Sure thing," Jay agreed, winking at Louis. 

As Jay walked away, she could hear Louis tell Lottie, "I've always been Mum's favorite." The sound of Louis cackling followed his words so she can only assume Lottie flipped him off. Jay chuckled quietly to herself. Her kids will just never grow up maturely.

Jay situated herself in a seat next to Anne and Robin, and they began some small talk.

Soon after Jay had sat down, her eldest son and his fiancé came over to them. Louis plopped down on the ground as Harry went to go grab a chair.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked him, squinting against the sun. Harry grabbed a pair of sunglasses off of his shirt collar and tossed them to Louis, who immediately put them on.

"I'm going to get a chair," Harry answered, walking further away.

"Why? There's ground here," Louis called.

"I'd much rather a lounger than the ground," Harry replied.

"And why is that?" Louis shot back.

"Because I don't want a grass rash later to deal with, now shut up," Harry told Louis. Jay watched the two interact with glee in her eye. They were so amusing.

Harry set up the lounger near where Louis was sat and laid on it.

"Mum, how much weight do those hold?" Louis asked. Jay laughed, knowing exactly why he wanted to know, as she told him it would hold them both. Louis did a little cheer as he stood up, wiped his bum off, and laid down in the space Harry made for him. Harry wrapped an arm around Louis' waist and let his hand rest on Louis' upper thigh.

"So boys, you excited about finally being able to tie the knot here soon?" Jay asked the couple. Both boys blushed and smiled as they nodded their heads.

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now