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So I'm FINALLY updating woohoo!

The picture in the media is their outfits for the day and the mugs come later in the story.

I hope you enjoy !



-Harry's Point of View-

"Your bosses are calling for something you don't want to do," my phone rang out. And then it repeated. I rolled my eyes and answered my phone.

"What?" I snapped. I don't care how I talk to them. They need to know how I feel about them, hell, they already do.


"Give us one good reason we can't come out!" Louis yelled.

"Because we WILL NOT have to faggots in the number one band of the world! You're lucky you haven't been kicked out of it you good for nothing scum!" Ron yelled.

"You know what you son of a bitch! We might as well quit with your greedy little asses! Why make money for you if we can't even be who we are?! You're all nothing BUT PIECES OF SHIT! I hate you all ! You're all dick heads, and greedy little bastards, and I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL!" Harry screamed.

"That's where you and your ugly ass boyfriend are heading to," Ron replied snarling.

"You know what?! FUCK YOU!" Louis yelled, flipping him off.


"You have a meeting in ten minutes. Bring your stupid scummy spouse and that disgrace of a daughter," Ron snarled and hung up before I could tell him off.

He's barely able to get away with bad mouthing Louis, but he will not talk about our daughter like that.

"Louis! Braelynn-Juliette! Get ready!" I yelled, throwing the plates I was getting ready to put in the dishwasher, into the sink, one of them breaking.

I ran up the stairs and put on a shirt and slipped on my boots.

Braelynn walked down the stairs and looked at me.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Stupid meeting with management," I spat. She winced, knowing that since they all were going, they did something wrong.

"Louis William Tomlinson! Let's go!" I yelled, voice echoing.

"Hold on!" He yelled back.

"We don't have time to wait! We'll be in the car!"

I heard Louis' footsteps coming down the stairs and me and Braelynn headed outside and to the car. I got in the back with the tinted windows and Braelynn got in the passenger seat, sending me a sad smile, before getting out and sitting in the back with me.

"If your dad does not hurry up," I told her.

"There he is," she said, patting my leg. Louis finally got in the car.

"Took you long enough," I said.

"Harry, don't start," he snapped. I rolled my eyes and felt my daughter cuddle into my side, trying to cool me down.

I smiled at her gratefully and she smiled back, causing me to poke her dimples.

"Hey," she giggled. I chuckled and then turned to look out of the window, noticing we're close the management building.

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now