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Let's decidedly forget about the fact that I haven't updated in two weeks due to procrastination and lack of wanting to write. Yes, I'm horrible. And I'm also writing this note, pretending I have a British accent and I feel proper English right now. It's great.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter, of not, as always please tell me.

Enjoy :*


-Braelynn's Point of View-

Another baby? A sibling? Finally? I was ecstatic. But I don't get it. Why is Papa crying if this is a good, happy thing?

"That's great," I said, noticing how Papa froze. "Papa?"

Papa gulped and frowned and said as he pushed away from the hug, "Braelynn-Juliette, just know that I love you and whatever happens because of me and the baby, is my fault, and I don't want you to be disappointed with me."

"Why would I be disappointed with you?"  I asked. Papa just smiled slightly, before looking at Dad and smiling as well and walking away with a hand on his stomach. I looked at Dad with the same questioning look.

"Your papa was like this when he was pregnant with you as well. Thinking because he was pregnant, everything was going to go wrong," Dad explained to me.

"What would go wrong?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"We were specifically and harshly told not to have another baby. We were threatened if we did then we would be kicked out from the band. He thinks since he's pregnant again, then he'll be the reason for the band ending. But the lads told us, if it ever gets to be too much then we can end the band so me and Lou can come out and finally be free."

"Oh," I said, looking down at the ground, the gears turning in my head. Dad grabbed my head and pressed a kiss to it.

"His main wish is to not disappoint anyone," was the last thing he said to me before walking away, probably to go comfort Papa.

I put the rest of breakfast away and then cleaned up a bit before going upstairs to my room and pulling out my laptop.

I typed in the URL search bar "YouTube" before searching for videos of the awards show from previous nights. There were points into the show where I knew exactly what I was saying and I had actually meant to say it, but no one else knew.
I found a few points worth mentioning so
I logged onto Twitter, my secret one, and then began uploading my recent "accidents".

Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s
Just watched the footage for the VMAs from the other night. So many proofs! Be ready

Abernathy Smith @suck_myfoot 5s
@larrys_love_child Ooh tell us!!

Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s
So I found this YouTube video with full coverage and extras in it. Basically anything that had to do with it all. [link insert]
Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s
If you watch the first part of the video, you will see 1D on the carpet Braelynn walking with Harry and entering the building when a fan yells "Larry is real"
Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s
If you notice, Harry flinches and Braelynn sympathizes him. And she had also gotten out of the vehicle with only harry and herself hmm
Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s
That means they were together before the show. Why wasn't she with her mom and dad?
Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s
Let's talk about during the show a fan recorded after Harry and Niall switched seats, Louis' arm slipped behind braelynn and Harry smiles
Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s
Braelynn looks between the both of them and it looks like she makes a comment about flirting, which is when 1D was called up again and Louis didn't know
Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s
A little bit later Braelynn asks Harry for a jacket and he says he can't and it's apart of contract (Or to my lip reading skills) and to ask Louis
Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s
There aren't many other proofs here. One more my bad. Braelynn fell asleep in the middle of it, and on h's her uncle shoulder, not her father's
Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s
One more main proof I think. When Braelynn is getting interviewed she calls Louis "dad". Saying how he said she looks. Doesn't she call Louis "papa?" I'm done.
Larry's Child @larrys_love_child 3s

I quickly logged off of twitter and deleted my history before closing my laptop and pulling out my phone, texting Liza, my best friend since forever.

Buttatoe: I'm a troll
Lizbian: yea I saw. One day you're gonna get caught
Buttatoe: come over?
Lizbian: be there in 5

I locked my phone and walked down the stairs.

"Dad! Liza is coming over!" I yelled. I got a muffled okay in return. I walked into the living room and turned on the tv, sitting down on the couch but not getting comfortable because I knew in just a few minutes I'd be getting right up again.

Just as predicted, somewhat, Liza entered the house five minutes later, a set of keys in her hand.

"What how?" I asked her. She looked at me and laughed.

"Louis gave me a key last time I was here, told me I'm like his daughter enough to have free reign with his house," Liza explained to me, slipping off her shoes and walking over the couch, plopping right down next to me. "Where is he?"

"Him and dad have been in their room for a half hour now. Papa's a bit distressed, so Dad went to talk to him," I told her, just as a loud moan sounded. My eyes widened and Liza's nose scrunched.

"Yeah that sounds like talking. I came here to get away from my dad's doing that to come here for yours to be doing the same thing."

I just laughed and turned up the television, thankfully blocking out the sex caused noises.


It was another couple of hours before Dad or Papa made an appearance. Both sporting lovely bright purple hickeys on their necks.

"Did you guys make up?" I asked sarcastically when they sat down. Papa smacked me upside the head, officially shutting me up.

"Hi Liza," Dad said, smiling at the girl in the other side of me.

"Hi Harry," she replied. Ever since we first started hanging out, she always called my parents by their first name. They of course hadn't minded. Actually, they told me after she had left, that they liked the fact she didn't call them by their last names.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Dad asked, kissing Papa's cheek and standing up. Liza smiled and nodded at my dad before he shook his head playfully and walked away.

"Elex wants to know when the next time we plan to have a session is?" Liza asked. I shrugged and turned to lay sideways on the couch.

Me and Liza sing together in a duo and Elexandria, my cousin, is our producer and sound engineer. We call ourselves, "Brazil" most of the time but we have no decided and official name, nothing ever really coming to mind.

We record covers of songs and post it to our YouTube channel, that had millions of subscribers because of our parents being who they are.

Right now we had no real interest becoming famous. Our main focus was finishing our schooling before we decided anything.

"Uh, I don't know, next week I guess," I answered. Liza nodded and started typing on her phone.

"I wanna do a q and a on the channel too," Liza chuckled randomly. "Become a bit more of proper youtubers eh?"

"Sure," I laughed, agreeing with her, before our focus returned to the television.

larrys_love_child (A Larry MPreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now