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Hiya guys, I'm not dead. There's chapters a bit longer than normal because I again include lyrics, but if you want to skip them it's completely fine because it's the literal same thing as in last chapter but it'll make sense? I think. 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. 

Enjoy :*



-Liza's Point of View-

We all knew the exact reason Elexandria picked that song. Sometimes Elex and I help Braelynn run her secret Twitter, trying as well to help her out her fathers without getting caught. Sometimes we'd find some proofs that she had accidentally done and tell her about it, which she then tweeted. We all wanted them out, it's hard for everybody involved in the situation to keep it on the down low. Especially for Braelynn-Juliette, she's never been allowed to say that Harry is her dad. That Briana isn't actually her mum, and that she was born of two men. It's hard as her best friend even because I have to always watch myself and my tweets.

Elexandria struggles as well. Harry is her uncle. Braelynn is her cousin. Since Briana has to play Braelynn's mum, Elexandria technically has no ties to Braelynn. And they both hate that. I'm just the best friend of them both and I hate it.

"Alright, you guys ready to record?" Elexandria asked as we made our way upstairs.

"I want to run through it once, Secret Love Song, at least," Braelynn said. "We're typically okay just bullcrapping through it, ya know. Like, we don't necessarily, well, when it's me and Liza at least, need to go over it because when you say who has what part, we get it instantly."

"Brae-Julie, you're rambling darling," I said poshly. She had a habit, much like her dad, where she'd ramble when she got nervous. She stopped at the top stair and apologized, but I waved her off.

"I'm scared about this one, I don't know why. I've never been nervous when it came to my secret blog, until now," Braelynn-Juliette said quietly.

"It'll be fine like I normally is," Elex and I soothed. Braelynn nodded and began walking again, walking into our "recording studio" which is actually a guest bedroom that hardly gets used. So we decorated to our liking and made it ours.

Since Elex is basically the only one of us three who knows how to operate our camera, she was in charge of it all. Making sure she's got a good angle, good lighting, although we used the circle lights, whatever those are technically called.

"Fuck," Braelynn-Juliette cursed, running out of the room real quick and into the bathroom. I followed, getting the door slammed in my face, barely hitting my nose.

"Ow," I mumbled, rubbing my nose as I walked back to the room, pouting.

"What's wrong?" Elexandria asked.

"I followed Brae just to get hit in the face with the bathroom door," I told her. She laughed, causing me to glare at her.

Braelynn-Juliette walked back into the room a couple minutes of later, Elex and I still were in the same positions as we had been.

"What's going on in here?" she asked. I noticed her makeup was now touched up.

"I followed you to the bathroom, and you slammed the door in my face, and hit my nose, and then when I told your cousin, she laughed at me," I explained.

"Oops, sorry," Braelynn apologized.

"It's done and over with. Let's get to the video now," I said, Braelynn agreeing and sitting down next to me.

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