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This chapter is has highly, highly, foreshadowed parts. Just know that. 

DerynStylesTomlinson You know nothing. ;)




-Harry's Point of View-

Everybody is here now, gathered at our home. Liam, Sophia, Nathan, and Rachel. Niall, Amy, Meghan and Tyler. Briana and Joseph. Me, Louis and Braelynn-Juliette. Mum, Robin, Jay, Dan, Karen, Bobby and Maura. Twenty people gathered in our moderately sized home.

All to celebrate the eight VMA's we had won. Everything we were nominated for, we won. It was intense and made me realize that our fans could quite literally own the music industry world. Ever since Justin Bieber faded away, and Eminem passed away from a heart attack. Five Seconds of Summer were still around, but they had switched from being rock, to going pop, and that caused several of their fans leave the "fandom".

We ourselves had lost some fans when we hit around year ten of the band, but by the next year, our fan base had a bit less than doubled in size.

One Direction never cared how many fans we have, all we care about is pleasing the fans by doing what we love. We no longer care about the hate we may receive, or the fans who somehow get our numbers and send us disturbing things. They aren't real fans. A real fan is someone who can respect the privacy we ask for. Not someone who goes through odds and ends just to get their hands on our number and send us an extremely long text about how our kids weren't supposed to be alive, that they should all just up and die.

Braelynn is the oldest out of the band's kids and she's received the most, considering how she has to be hidden. Not meaning, she can't be seen in public. Meaning, nobody can know that me and Louis are her biological parents, not Louis and Briana.

"Hey babe," Louis whispered, nuzzling against my side from where I sat on the couch, comfortably pressed into the corner. "Liam and them just showed. Your mum and my mum texted and said they'll be here within the hour."

"Alright," I replied, leaning my head back against the squishy, but firm, couch.

"What's up?" Louis questioned, noticing something was off.

"Nothing, just thinking. Where is everyone?" I answered.

"Everyone crowded Liam at the front door, trying to get their hands on Rachel," Louis smirked. I chuckled and stood, dragging Louis up with me to go meet Liam.

"Brae, did you put the covers on the food?" I heard Louis ask our daughter.

"Yeah Papa," she replied, nudging her way through and asked for Rachel from Liam, who smiled and handed the baby to her. Braelynn cooed at the baby and made her way into the living room, sitting down on the single person cushioned chair. I quickly made my way over beside my daughter, hardly ever getting to see the baby.

Rachel Leanne Payne was beautiful. She had dark brown, wavy hair, lightly caramel colored skin, surprisingly bright hazel eyes and pink, plump lips. She wasn't chubby, but she wasn't tiny, and she had the cutest rounded cheeks. She was the perfect mix between Liam and Sophia.

"Daddy, isn't she perfect?" Braelynn whispered in awe.

"Yes she is lovely."

"Hey H, your mum is here," Niall said, eating something that looked exactly like my brownies I had made a few nights ago. I rolled my eyes at him as I stood.

"Don't eat my whole kitchen please," I told him sternly, walking to the front door when the bell rang. I pulled open the door, revealing Mum, Robin, Gemma, and her kids. I was confused. "Gem?"

I didn't know Gemma was supposed to be here. As far as I knew she was living four hours away and she couldn't get anyone to watch her kids. They're older, but younger than Braelynn, but sometimes they didn't want to go anywhere.

"Hi Harold," she laughed, ushering in Maddox, Elexandria, and Abiella. Maddox is an eleven year old boy, Elexandria is a fifteen year old girl, and Abiella was nine and a girl. They all looked just like Gemma, with small touches of their father.

"Where's your hubby?" I asked, hugging her, Mum and Robin.

"Business trip, again," Gemma replied, mood diminishing a bit. I gave her a look that said we needed to talk. She smiled and nodded once in confirmation.

I heard a car door shut and seen Jay and Dan get out, along with the seventeen year old Deakin twins.

"Lou," I called. I heard footsteps and felt a kiss being pressed against my neck before arms wrapped around my waist.

Mum, Robin and Gemma had previously made their way into the living room, chatting with everyone.

A few minutes later and everyone was here, so I announced, "Dinner's ready. It's on the dining room table. There's steak fajitas for everyone ten and up, chicken quesadillas for younger than ten. There's also salsa, guacamole and chips."

Almost everyone was up and in line to get their food. I laughed at the chaos and slid my way behind Louis, who was bouncing on his toes.

"Why so antsy love?" I whispered in his ear, after resting my head on his shoulder. Louis shrugged slightly. "Lou."

"I'm fine, Harry," Louis snapped, moving away from me. I furrowed my eyebrows but let it be, not wanting to make the situation any worse, considering all of the family we had over.

Louis kept bouncing on his toes, however, making it known something was up. He's not very good at hiding stuff, so he'll do things like he is. Anxious movements. Bouncing on his toes, rubbing his palms, continuous and deliberate looks to both sides.

I didn't ponder long on it, knowing I'd end up bringing it back up later.

Once I had my food, me being the last person because I was allowing everyone to go before me, I walked into the living room, and noticed with slight hurt, that Louis was sitting between his siblings, between his mum and Dan. I sighed and sat by Gemma, who sat next to Abiella. All the rest of the kids, including Doris and Ernest, and besides baby Rachel, sat on the ground, with their plates in their laps.

"What's going on with you two?" Gemma asked, after finishing off a guacamole covered tortilla chip. "Usually you two can't be separated, you're so attached at the hip."

I shrugged slightly, frowning as I took a bit of my fajita. I chewed carefully, and swallowed it harshly.

"I don't know, honestly. Earlier I noticed he was doing the thing he does when he's anxious, so I asked him about it and he snapped at me," I explained softly.

The corners of Gemma's lips turned down, brows furrowing deeper.

"Something is definitely wrong, especially if he is snapping at you," Gemma divulged. I nodded silently and dipped a chip into the salsa. "He keeps looking at you."

"Who?" I asked, not really registering what she said.

"Louis, you idiot," Gemma told me and rolled her eyes. I looked in Louis' direction, unexpectedly catching his eyes. I gave him a short, sweet smile before turning back to my food.

Everybody jumped when Louis suddenly stood, and ran out, and conversation stopped short. Sophia quickly nudged Rachel's bottle nipple back into her mouth to get her to silence, for she had started crying.

My face now contained a certain look, watching where Louis ran out of the room. Before I could go see what he was doing, Louis walked back in, slightly pale. Only I, and Jay had seemed to notice that, but the way his face looked, caused neither of us to ask about it.

Louis looked rueful. 

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