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Hi guys, I hope you're all well. I'm doing alright. 

I don't think I've updated a chapter this soon after another one. Hm, there's a first for everything, I suppose. 

Have you listened to Ed Sheeran's new album? It's amazing! 


Now to the chapter. 

I hope you enjoy! :*



-Harry's Point of View-

Entering Mum's house was overwhelming. Not in a bad way. The air was happier here. I gulped and opened the door to the house, dragging in mine and Braelynn-Juliette's duffel bags and setting them off to the side.

"Who's here?" I heard Mum yell from the kitchen.

"Nana Anne!" Braelynn shouted, running into the kitchen to greet Mum.

"Hiya babe," Mum greeted. I followed Braelynn into the kitchen and saw them hugging. "Hi H, where's Louis?"

Mum was in the middle of making what looked like a pasta dish, lasagna, maybe. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion when she saw the look on my face, and I bowed my head, looking at the floor with a hard glare as I tried to swallow down the hurt.

"Do you need help?" I asked her, ignoring her confusion.

"You can put in the oven for me, everything else is done," Mum said. I nodded and grabbing the pan, opening the oven and carefully easing the dish inside the heated compartment.

Mum grabbed my sleeve once I stood up and shut the door of the over and whispered in my ear, "I know something's happened, talk to me after dinner." I closed my eyes and nodded in agreement.


Both Mum and I stayed true to our words after dinner, that was amazing (I miss her cooking so much), we sat down together at the dinner table, and I sent Braelynn-Juliette in the living room to go watch television while we talked.

"What's going on love? Why are you guys here and have bags packed?" Mum started.

"Louis and I got into it and I left," I mumbled, resting my head against the table. Mum gasped and rubbed my back softly.

"What about babe?" she asked.

"It was stupid, honestly. I got pissed off because he told Braelynn he didn't want to cuddle with her and then went off to the bedroom to lay down. He's been doing this since we lost the baby, except some days he will actually hang out with us as a family. I confronted him about it and he just said he wanted to mourn by himself. I asked, more like yelled at, him, asking if he thought about me and Braelynn and how we felt about the situation and if he remembered if he even had a daughter. He told me he didn't know. So I said of course and packed me and Braelynn up and now we're here," I explained, realizing how much of a child I was for acting that way.

"Harry, love, I get why you left, but you shouldn't have. He's fragile right now and you made it worse by leaving," Mum said softly.

"I realize how childish I acted but at that moment, I had to get away from him and that house," I sniffled. Mum sighed and nodded, standing up and rubbing my back. I looked up at her and she cooed, wiping away my tears and kissing my head as if I were a teenager still.

"I'm going to make us all some tea, go be with Brae," Mum ordered. I smiled up at her and walked into the living room to go sit with my daughter.


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